Ukrainian drones attack missile site used by Russia to launch ballistic missile at Dnipro
Russian Strategic Missile Forces test site "Kapustin Yar" (Military Unit 15644) in Znamensk, Astrakhan region, Russia, became the target of a drone attack on the morning of November 21, reports the Telegram channel ASTRA, citing sources. Sources report that at least two UAVs were not intercepted and struck the 105th site of the range. While the exact consequences of the attack are still unknown, a local Russian official did make a statement later, saying, "This morning, the Ukrainian regime attempted yet again to attack our northern district areas. All services operated as planned. Some UAVs were suppressed by electronic warfare and neutralized, while others were downed by air defense systems, which residents heard in action. A fire ensued from a downed drone but was swiftly extinguished by emergency services."
The Russian official confirmed no injuries to residents or infrastructure damage occurred.
Meanwhile, Ukraine's Main Directorate of Intelligence said that Russia used a Kedr ballistic missile to strike Dnipro. According to military intelligence, the tests of this system were conducted at the Kapustin Yar site.