• Political Analyst: Poroshenko's Presidency Won’t Last Into 2017

    Petro Poroshenko’s ratings as the current President of Ukraine will become critically low in the summer and autumn of 2016, according to one political analyst. As a result, he will be unable to hold on to his office.

    This forecast was made by Ruslan Bortnik, the head of the Ukrainian Institute for Analysis and Management of Politics, during the press conference with the news agency GolosUA.

    “Our president has only a year left. The same prediction has been made by his allies and the members of …

  • France Calls on Russia to Halt Airstrikes against Civilians in Syria

    After meeting with one of the coordinators for the Syrian opposition, Rayad Farid Hijab, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Laurent Fabius, told reporters that Syria and Russia must halt military operations against civilians. According to the Minister they have discussed the absolute need to halt military actions which Russian and Syrian Government forces are taking against civilians. Fabius specified that the discussion was focused on the small Syrian town of …

  • Poland to become NATO Response Force Framework State

    Poland will become part of the NATO Response Force within four years. The Polish Vice-Minister, Tomasz Szatkowski, reported that the Polish Ministry of Defense has already been preparing for this duty.

    “Our contribution to the framework will consist of five battalions. As a framework state, we want to invite our partners from the Visegrad Group to join this effort. There has been a prior agreement that part of these forces will be under the flag of Visegrad," the Vice-Minister, Tomasz …

  • Ukrainian Gas Company Files Lawsuit against Russia

    Ukrnafta has filed a lawsuit against Russia with the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague, the Netherlands. The details of the lawsuit aren’t known. It was noted on the PCA website that the proceeding was initiated in accordance with an Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, signed by the Russian Federation and Ukraine in 1998.

    Moreover, according to the PCA database, eleven more Ukrainian companies (Stabil, Rubenor, Rustel, Kirovohrad-Nafta, Krym-Petrol, Pirsan, Trade- …

  • Pierre Richard to Visit Crimea

    Tickets to a show featuring Pierre Richard, a French actor and director, are being sold in Crimea. According to the advertisement, Richard will perform in a comedy called Pierre Richard III on February 10th in Simferopol at a local musical theater and on February 11th in Sevastopol, at the Officer’s Club of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia.

    There is no mention of any events taking place in annexed Crimea on the French actor’s official website. According to tour organizers, Richard will arrive in …

  • Cause of Mikhail Lesin’s Death still Unclear

    Assumptions surrounding the fact that Mikhail Lesin, the Russian media magnate who died in the U.S.A., had relations with the FBI has gained new momentum.

    Margarita Simonyan, the Editor-in-Chief of the English language television news network, RT and the international news agency Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today), in an interview with Echo of Moscow, urged people not to believe the reports from The Daily Beast that Mikhail Lesin, the former general director of Gazprom Media Holdings, had …

  • Russian Bombers Kill Seventeen in Aleppo

    Seventeen people were killed and 35 more were injured as a result of a Russian Air Force attacks on the opposition-controlled districts of Sukari and Ameriye in the Syrian city of Aleppo, according to representatives of the Civil Defense of Aleppo. Among the dead and wounded are women and children.

    Civil Defense teams conducted search and rescue operations in the area of the ​​air strikes. The wounded have been taken to city hospitals. It is reported that as a result of Russian air strikes in …

  • Russia to Test Sixteen Ballistic Missiles in 2016

    The Strategic Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation (RVSN RF) plans to test launch 16 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles in 2016.

    According to the website of the Russian Defense Ministry, the purpose of these launches is to develop new weapons and test the technical readiness of missile systems.

    Earlier it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin, during the Annual Expanded Board of the Ministry of Defence in December of 2015, announced that among the priority tasks of the Armed …

  • Macierewicz: Poland is Under Threat from Foreign Aggression

    Polish Defense Minister, Antoni Macierewicz, during a broadcast on Radio Maryja, claimed that Poland is more at risk of attack than other countries.

    "An aggressor’s avalanche may fall upon us. That is why we must take the opportunity to make decisions about our defense strategies. It may even mean upsetting our allies who support our security, if our government considers it necessary," said Macierewicz.

    The Minister also declared that Poland will raise the question at the NATO summit about …

  • Yatsenyuk: Ukraine no Longer Purchases Gas from Russia

    According to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, there are currently about 13 billion m3 of gas in Ukrainian storages.

    Ukraine refused further Russian gas supplies, as stated by the head of the Ukrainian Government, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, in the program "10 minutes with the Prime Minister."

    "On January 1st, the Russian Federation offered gas at the price of $212 per thousand m3. We do not buy gas from Russia, because we purchase gas from the European Union at a cheaper rate than we …