• Finland Extradites Russian Hacker to the US

    The Ministry of Justice of Finland has announced that it will extradite Maxim Senakh to the United States where he will be charged with computer fraud, as reported by TASS.

    Senakh, a Russian national, is wanted for computer fraud. He is believed to have stolen millions of dollars.

    The decision was announced by his lawyer Igor Hitruhin in an interview with TASS. The decision cannot be appealed.

    Earlier, the Supreme Court of Finland ruled that there are no obstacles for the extradition of …

  • Pushylin: Peacekeepers are not included in Minsk Agreement

    According to Denis Pushylin, a representative of the so-called ‘Donetsk Peoples Republic’ (DPR), the self-proclaimed republic is against the engagement of the UN Security Council members in peacemaking efforts in the Donbas as requested by Kiev, reports the Donetsk News Agency (DNA), a separatist media outlet."I would like to reiterate that there is a plan for the implementation of the Minsk Agreements signed on February 12, 2015. And according to Section Three of this document, the OSCE …

  • Dutch Government Plans to Campaign for Ukraine before Association Vote

    The Dutch Government plans on conducting a campaign in support of Ukraine before the referendum on the Association Agreement (AA) between Ukraine and the EU, Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands stated.

    As reported by EUobserver, an independent online newspaper, Rutte, who is currently the president of the EU Council of Ministers, stated at a press conference in Amsterdam on Thursday, January 7th, that the Association Agreement is positive for both Europe and the Netherlands.

    "I …

  • OSCE observers detained in eastern Ukraine

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) reported on Friday that a group of their observers was detained by pro-Russian separatists of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) near the city of Horlivka, 40 kilometers northeast of Donetsk.

    “In Horlivka… armed ‘DPR’ members stopped an SMM patrol and forced the SMM monitors to the ground. The SMM vehicle was searched for video material and SMM monitors were taken to a ‘military- …

  • Erdogan: Russia is not Bombing Islamic State Targets in Syria

    After Friday prayers at the Al-Imam Ali Mosque, Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told reporters that Russia doesn't attack the Islamic State, but it is bombing the Syrian opposition. In his comment, he criticized Russia’s actions in Georgia in 2008 and in Ukraine.

    “The actions that Russia is taking in Syria, what does Russia say they are doing? They say they are there at the request of the Syrian Government. Currently, the Syrian Government is not legitimate. The United Nations …

  • Ukrtransgaz: Ukraine Imports more Gas from Europe than from Russia

    As of the end of 2015, Ukraine had imported more gas from the European Union throughout the year than it has from Russia. The press center of the Public Joint Stock Company, Ukrtransgaz (a subsidiary of Naftogaz Ukraine) reported on January 6, 2016, that, "Ukraine has received 10.3 billion cubic meters of gas from European sources."

    "Most of the natural gas, 9.7 billion cubic meters, was imported through the ‘Slovak corridor’... while 6.1 billion cubic meters was imported from Russia to meet …

  • Russia Accused of Using Cluster Bombs in Syria

    A group of Russian activists claimed on Thursday that there was evidence that Russian aircraft in Syria are equipped with cluster bombs, despite the statements of the authorities.

    Last month, international human rights organization Human Rights Watch reported that Russia either used cluster bombs in Syria or provided the Syrian army with a new batch of such ammunition, or did both. The Russian Defense Ministry denied the reports of the HRW.

    However, on Thursday, the Conflict Intelligence Team  …

  • Petition circulating in Ukrainian City Seeks To Ban Coca Cola

    A petition has started in Frankivsk where signatures are being collected to ban the sale of Coca-Cola.

    On Orthodox Christmas Eve, January 6th, this petition appeared on a website of electronic petitions addressing the authorities of Ivano-Frankivsk, said Stanislavski TV. In the abstract of the document an offer was made for Ivano-Frankivsk to become the first city in Ukraine where all Coca-Cola products and activities in all commercial establishments of Ivano-Frankivsk would be completely …

  • Coca-Cola Apologizes to Ukraine for Map Showing Crimea as Russian

    A representative of the Coca-Cola Company visited the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington and delivered a letter with a formal apology. Earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed that he could not comprehend why the corporation’s map of Russia, published on social media, showed Crimea as part of Russia.

    On the 6th of January 2016, Kate Irvin, the official representative of the Coca-Cola Company, came to the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA to make a formal apology for their …

  • Germany Warns of Possible Deportation for Cologne Assaulters

    The individuals responsible for committing sexual assaults and robberies in Cologne on New Year’s Eve may face deportation if they are not German citizens, warned the Federal Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas, during an interview with CNN.

    “The law allows for the deportation of a person, even during the asylum process, if he is sentenced to more than a one-year imprisonment. It is also possible when sexual offences are committed,” the Minister explained.

    The police received more than 120 …