Poland initiates 'Eastern Dawn' military operation to counter Russian threats

Starting August 1, the Polish Armed Forces will begin a new military operation, codenamed “Wschodnia zorza” ("Eastern Dawn"), as announced on the country's Ministry of Defense website.

This operation is a direct response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which has amplified the risk of airspace violations over Poland, according to the official statement.

The primary goal of “Eastern Dawn” is to protect Poland's airspace from unauthorized incursions. The operation will focus on monitoring low-altitude objects, typical of drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles. It targets Poland’s eastern and northeastern borders, where the threat is considered highest, the Defense Ministry noted.

The Armed Forces Operational Command will oversee the coordination of the operation, with specific units such as the Air Operations Center and the Aviation Command taking active roles.

"Through efficient resource management and rapid threat response, we aim to ensure the utmost security," assured military officials.

"Eastern Dawn" outlines key objectives:

- Continuous airspace monitoring;

- Responding to and neutralizing detected violations;

- Collaborating with allies and neighboring countries to ensure effective information exchange and defense activity coordination;

- Regular training and exercises for military personnel to maintain top operational readiness.

Reinforcing the air defense system is not just a reaction to current events but an investment in Poland's long-term security. Effective airspace defense is crucial for safeguarding the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as highlighted in the statement.

Describing "Eastern Dawn" as a critical step toward enhancing Poland's national security, officials emphasized that in light of unpredictable Russian actions, strengthening air defense is a priority. Advanced technology, efficient procedures, and international cooperation will enable Poland to protect its airspace effectively and ensure the safety of its citizens, underlined the Ministry of Defense.

  Poland, NATO, Eastern Dawn
