Stalled in Donetsk, Russia shifts military focus to Kharkiv and Sumy

For several months, Russian troops have struggled to achieve Putin’s objective of capturing the Donetsk region. In light of this, an operation was devised to shift focus towards Kharkiv, with an additional focus on Sumy, a top Ukrainian military official has revealed.

In a broadcast on FREEDOM TV, General Mykola Malomuzh, who led Ukraine’s Foreign Intelligence Service from 2005 to 2010, said the Russian armed forces are forming new attack groups in the north to distract and weaken Ukrainian forces on the eastern front.

According to Malomuzh, President Putin set the goal for Russian forces to take control of both Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However, months of conflict have seen little success for the Russians. The Russians have shifted tactics by expanding combat zones, reinforcing certain areas with more troops and equipment, and increasing the frequency of shellings with FAB strikes and missiles. Notably, there have been breakthroughs in previously less fortified areas.

“An operation was developed to strike in the Kharkiv direction, and it was considered in the Sumy direction, aiming to make us transfer a significant number of forces to the north,” said Malomuzh.

He noted that Russian plans in Kharkiv had been foiled as Ukrainian Forces successfully halted their advances. Despite facing difficult conditions, Ukrainian forces not only stabilised the situation near Vovchansk and Lyptsi but also conducted counterattacks.

“In various sectors of the city, we hold strong positions and have even surrounded an industrial plant. This presents a significant opportunity to deblock certain areas and push the Russians out of these regions,” he commented, acknowledging the heated nature of these zones.

The general added that the Russian troops are increasingly focussing on forming new strike groups, probing not just the Vovchansk-Lyptsi axis but various sectors, maintaining pressure over the Sumy Arc. They anticipate possible rotations or redeployments from Ukrainian forces in the east.

Analysts from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported on 2 July that the Russian forces are conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations along the borders of Sumy and Kharkiv regions. The Russians are conserving reserves poised for a potential offensive in Sumy.

On 27 June, the ISW also highlighted that the Russians had launched a cross-border attack in the Zolochiv direction of Kharkiv region. The Russian forces may be planning an offensive either southward towards Zolochiv or westward into Sumy.

  War in Ukraine, Sumy, Kharkiv
