Sweden clarifies why Ukraine chose F-16 jets over Gripen: challenges of managing dual fighter systems

Ukrainian authorities have concluded that implementing two Western fighter jet systems, the F-16 and the Gripen, in the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the same time is extremely challenging.

Sweden's Foreign Minister Tobias Billström stated that Stockholm was ready to transfer its Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine, but Kyiv decided to hold off on this idea due to the receipt of the F-16 jets. In an interview with Voice of America, Billström explained that dealing with two complex systems simultaneously requires not only training pilots but also preparing technical personnel and infrastructure. Managing this concurrently would have been very difficult for Ukraine.

Billström noted that since the need for the Gripen jets is temporarily postponed, Stockholm is focusing on other aviation support for Kyiv, including the transfer of ASC 890 early-warning aircraft. These can be used in coordination with the F-16 jets. Ukraine will be better equipped to conduct air battles, surveillance, and their management, said the Swedish Foreign Minister.

He also confirmed that Sweden is ready to provide Ukraine with Gripen jets in the future. According to him, once all plans concerning the F-16s, which are currently being implemented in the Ukrainian Air Force, are fulfilled, the topic of transferring Swedish jets to Kyiv will be revisited. This decision was made by the Ukrainian government, not the Swedish one, stressed the minister.

It should be noted that earlier, Ukrainian pilots started familiarization training on Swedish JAS 39 Gripen jets.

  War in Ukraine, Gripen, Sweden
