Contents tagged with Azerbaijan

  • Ukraine and Azerbaijan imposed a ban on imported goods from Nagorno-Karabakh and the Donbas

    The Ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan, Alexander Mishchenko, stated that Ukraine and Azerbaijan agreed to disallow the import of goods from the Donbas and Nagorno-Karabakh without formal approval, Nova Epoha reported.

    “During the visit of Petro Poroshenko to Baku, the Presidents of both countries gave instructions to the Heads of customs agencies of Ukraine and Azerbaijan to meet and discuss the issue of passage of goods imported from the occupied territories of both countries,” Mishchenko …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador in Baku asks Azerbaijan to supply Ukraine with weapons

    Azerbaijan and Ukraine will discuss issues of expanding military-technical cooperation, Interfax-Azerbaijan reported, quoting Ukraine’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Alexander Mishchenko.

    “The meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on military-technical cooperation is coming up shortly. A large delegation will come to Baku. Deep cooperation in the military-technical area is an indicator of relations,” Mishchenko said. “If, in the early 1990s, Ukraine provided assistance to Azerbaijan in the …

  • Ukraine began to receive Azerbaijani oil

    In late December, the Kremenchuk Oil Refinery Ukrtatnafta received its first cargo of Azeri Light crude oil with a volume of 80 thousand tons, according to its website. “In general, Ukrtatnafta plans to receive a total 1.3 million tons of oil in 2017,” the report stated.

    According to Interfax-Ukraine, the first cargo of Azeri Light crude was received by transshipment in Odessa via railway transport. After replacing Urals oil with Azeri Light in the Odessa-Kremenchuk oil pipeline, the raw oil …

  • Azerbaijan to purchase Israeli Iron Dome air defense system

    The Minister of the Defense Industry of Azerbaijan, Yavar Jamalov, stated that Israel and Azerbaijan have reached an agreement on the purchase of the Iron Dome air defense system. According to him, the agreement was reached between the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry and his Israeli counterpart. The Minister also drew attention to the growing capacity of the Azerbaijani defense sector.

    “Currently, military plants, where military products (1160 items) are manufactured, operate as a part of the …

  • Russia and Azerbaijan agree on joint production of tactical missiles

    Russia and Azerbaijan have signed a memorandum on joint production of air missiles. This was reported by the Azerbaijani military magazine, AzeriDefense.

    According to AzeriDefense, the document was signed by the representatives of the Sharg enterprise belonging to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan and the Russian state-owned corporation Tactical Missile Weapons.

    The document was signed on the sidelines of the international military expo “Adex 2016” taking place in Baku, the capital of …

  • Ukraine to deliver ten Antonov An-178 aircraft to Azerbaijan

    The Ukrainian State Company Antonov has received an order for 10 An-178 aircraft from an airline in Azerbaijan, as reported by UNN news agency, citing the press service of the enterprise.

    "Conducting the certification tests of the An-178 is one of the chief tasks for our company today. We are testing the aircraft using CS-25 European standard requirements. We received a firm order for the supply of 10 such aircraft to an Azerbaijani airline. The work on expanding the production of the An-178 …

  • Izvestia: Russia will supply the same weapons to Armenia as to Azerbaijan

    Russian newspaper Izvestia published an article entitled “Russia will supply the same weapons to Armenia as to Azerbaijan,” which states that supplies of arms and military equipment to Armenia within the parameters of a $200 million loan have already begun. However, official Moscow and Yerevan sources have not reported details on the terms and types of supplied weapons. The author of the article writes that, in addition to supplying military equipment, Russia will train Armenian military …

  • Ukraine and Azerbaijan are planning joint production of An-178 aircraft

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, stated in an interview during his visit to Baku that Ukraine and Azerbaijan are going to launch the joint production of AN-178 transport aircraft, 112 Ukraine reported.

    “As Ilham Aliyev has said, one of the most promising topics is the supply of AN-178 transport aircraft to Azerbaijan and the joint production of these aircraft in Azerbaijan. The successful implementation of this project will allow Ukrainian manufacturers to create an environment for …

  • Aliyev: Nagorno-Karabakh can get special status if it remains part of Azerbaijan

    The Status of Nagorno-Karabakh should not violate the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan

    Nagorno-Karabakh can get a special status, but only provided that the area remains a part of Azerbaijan as stated by the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, APA reports.

    "Nagorno-Karabakh will never gain independence. A second Armenian state will never be created on the historical lands of Azerbaijan. This is the main issue. As for the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, this is a matter for the future. Of …

  • NATO sees TANAP and TAP pipelines as particularly important for Europe

    The head of the Energy Security Section in NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division, Michael Rühle, believes that the projects of the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) for the delivery of Azerbaijani gas to European countries are particularly important for Europe's energy security. According to him, the issue of implementing the projects will be discussed at the Warsaw NATO Summit July 7-8, Trend reports.

    “TANAP and TAP are of particular …