Contents tagged with Brazil

  • Zelensky criticizes China and Brazil’s peace proposal as favoring Russia

    According to Zelensky, the political statement in question was made without consulting Ukraine. He also questioned the "political conciliation" proposals with Russia, which he finds unclear.

    "Conciliation of what? What does it mean to just sit down and talk? (with Putin - editor's note). He is a killer... He needs to take steps to show that he wants to end the war. You can't just say we need to take steps towards each other. What 'each other'? He invaded, killed people, seized territory, and …

  • Ukrainian court sentences Brazilian mercenary to 13 years in prison

    The Brazilian citizen Rafael Lusvarghi, who fought against the Ukrainian government forces in the Donbas, has been sentenced to 13 years in prison, the Kyiv Prosecutor’s Office announced.

    The verdict was given by the Pavlohrad District Court in the Dnipropetrovsk province.

    “After listening to the parties’ arguments, the court found the accused guilty according to part 1 2583 and part 2 article 260 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and sentenced him to 13 years of imprisonment with the …

  • Ukraine doubles export of poultry to the EU

    The European Commission reported that in 2018, Ukraine supplied European Union with 123 thousand tons of poultry, which is 53.7% more than in 2017.

    Chile suppliers showed similar results, increasing the supply of poultry to the EU by 44%. However, even the increase in export rates did not allow Chile to bypass Ukraine. In one year, Chileans exported only 35.9 thousand tons of poultry.

    In the meantime, Brazil significantly dropped in the rankings of the largest poultry supplier to the EU. In …

  • DPR fighter from Brazil now lives in a monastery in Kyiv

    Rafael Lusvarghi, the Brazilian national who was convicted of participating in the illegal, separatist organization DPR was released and now lives in the Holy Protection Holosiivsky Monastery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. A Donbas.Realii journalist met with the former separatist fighter there. Lusvarghi initially tried to deny who he was but later agreed to talk.

    According to the former separatist fighter, he first became interested in Orthodoxy when he was in custody in the Kyiv detention …