Contents tagged with Bundestag

  • Drones spotted over German industrial zones, authorities suspect Russia

    Several high-tech drones have been observed flying over the ChemCoast Park Brunsbüttel industrial park in Schleswig-Holstein throughout August. The Flensburg prosecutor's office has launched an investigation on suspicion of espionage, according to a confidential report reviewed by Spiegel.

    The industrial park hosts chemical and oil companies. As Bild highlighted, drones were also recorded flying over the decommissioned nuclear power plant in Brunsbüttel.

    Authorities suspect that Russia might …

  • German government faces backlash over decision to halt additional military aid to Ukraine

    The German government's decision to limit aid to Ukraine to previously approved funding has come under heavy criticism from both opposition and ruling parties in Germany.

    "Germany's traffic light coalition is engaging in Trump-style politics, halting further aid to Ukraine due to domestic squabbles. The difference is that for Germany, supporting Ukraine means financing our own security," wrote Norbert Röttgen, foreign policy expert for the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU), on …

  • Bundestag Defense Committee calls on Scholz to convene ‘National Conference on Ukraine’

    Chairman of the German Bundestag Defense Committee Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann called on Chancellor Olaf Scholz to convene a "National Conference on Ukraine" as soon as possible to agree on further actions to help Ukraine, reports the news agency dpa.

    The conference should be attended by representatives of the government, the Armed Forces of Germany, defense industry and trade unions, suggested Strack-Zimmermann. "The goal should be to draw up an orderly plan and initiate the next targeted …

  • Germany accused Bundestag electrician of spying for Russia

    The German Prosecutor General's Office has filed charges against a German, suspected of working for Russian intelligence. 

    The name of the accused is Jens F.. His full name is not provided.

    The individual worked for a company that was a contractor for the Bundestag and was inspecting electrical appliances in buildings used by the German Parliament and its support services. He had access to floor plans of these buildings.

    "Between the end of July 2017 and the beginning of September 2017, the …

  • Germany requests that EU impose sanctions against Russia for cyberattack

    The German government in early June proposed to the EU member states to jointly impose sanctions against Russia for a large-scale cyberattack on the German Bundestag five years ago, but a decision on this issue has not been taken yet, reported DPA news agency, citing a copy of the government's official response to the so-called minor request of the Left Party faction in the German parliament.

    The German government believes that the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) was behind the …

  • Merkel confirms that Russian hackers attacked Bundestag

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said there is "good evidence" of Russia's involvement in the "outrageous" cyberattack on Bundestag systems in 2015, reported the newspaper Handelsblatt.

    "I take these things very seriously," she said, answering questions from MPs. The Chancellor said the attack was part of a "hybrid warfare strategy" that also included misrepresentation and disorientation. "It's not just a coincidence, it's a strategy," she said.

    When asked by members of the Bundestag about …

  • Bundestag Deputies demand explanations from the German government concerning Russian hacker attacks

    A special meeting of the relevant committee devoted to the hacking attack on Germany’s government network will take place in the Bundestag, DW reports. According to the sources of the agency, the cyber-attack lasted until February 28.

    "The successful cyber-attack clearly indicates that the government’s digital networks are not sufficiently protected. Since this data is very important, the situation is unacceptable," Committee spokesman Manuel Höferlin said.

    Representatives of the German …