Contents tagged with Bundeswehr

  • Drones spotted over German industrial zones, authorities suspect Russia

    Several high-tech drones have been observed flying over the ChemCoast Park Brunsbüttel industrial park in Schleswig-Holstein throughout August. The Flensburg prosecutor's office has launched an investigation on suspicion of espionage, according to a confidential report reviewed by Spiegel.

    The industrial park hosts chemical and oil companies. As Bild highlighted, drones were also recorded flying over the decommissioned nuclear power plant in Brunsbüttel.

    Authorities suspect that Russia might …

  • German Military Chief warns of escalating Russian threat to NATO

    Germany’s highest-ranking military officer, General Inspector of the Bundeswehr, Carsten Breuer, has issued a stark warning about the increasing military danger posed by Russia to Western nations. "We are witnessing the Russian army orienting itself towards the West," Breuer said in an interview with Sächsische Zeitung, as reported by dpa.

    Within the next 5-8 years, the Russian Armed Forces are expected to be equipped and manned in a way that would make an attack on NATO territory viable. …

  • Germany crafts comprehensive troop deployment strategy in response to potential Russian aggression

    Germany is formulating a plan to deploy troops in the event of a Russian attack. Up to 800,000 military personnel and more than 200,000 units of equipment may need to be transported through Germany to Eastern Europe.

    As part of the "Operational Plan Germany" (OPLAN DEU), the Bundeswehr, in collaboration with NATO allies, is devising a scheme to move troops towards Eastern Europe should Russia launch a military attack on the Alliance, reports DW.

    According to Der Spiegel, in the event of an RF …

  • German media sounds alarm over Russian navigation systems installed on Bundeswehr submarines

    German Navy submarines use Russian navigation systems produced by the company Transas. The warships were equipped wit these navigation systems during the time of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. According to Bild, Russian software has been used on 100 vessels since 2005.

    The publication, citing expert assessments, writes that "encryption of data in these systems does not meet the military standards" and the equipment can be used for cyberattacks "potentially resulting in the complete loss of …

  • Merkel demands more money for German Armed Forces because of situation in Eastern Ukraine

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a weekly televised statement, which is published on German Government's website, that the situation in Eastern Ukraine forces NATO member countries to reconsider the Alliance's defense strategy.

    "Because of the conflict in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, the topic of national defense and Alliance defense came into focus," said German Chancellor. According to her, the German Armed Forces need financial resources to perform the defense functions.

    " …

  • US calls on Germany to join the military operation in Syria

    The United States urges the Bundeswehr to participate in a military strike in response to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian army. “Speeches are not the best way to demonstrate political support but showing military solidarity is,” US Special Envoy for Syria Jeffrey James said on September 13 during his visit to Berlin.

    James said that the United States would try to get the maximum contribution from NATO allies for this operation. According to him, the internal political situation in …

  • German tanks and armored vehicles arrive in Lithuania

    A heavy machine division of the Bundeswehr successfully reached Lithuania on Friday, February 24, a representative of the German armed forces reported. Twenty Marder infantry fighting vehicles and six Leopard 2 tanks were delivered by rail to Sheshtokai station. From Sheshtokai they were transported to their place of permanent deployment at the Rukla military base.

    Transports of the heavy machine division to Lithuania took several days. On February 21, part of the division departed from …