Contents tagged with CNN

  • Russia summons U.S. diplomat over American journalists' coverage in Kursk region

    Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called in Stephanie Holmes, the Chargé d'Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Russia, to express a formal protest regarding the activities of American journalists in the Kursk region, where heavy fighting with Ukrainian forces has been ongoing since August 6th. The Ministry described the journalists’ actions as provocative and purely propagandistic.

    The Russian government made it explicitly clear that all foreign "specialists" and mercenaries illegally crossing …

  • Outrage in Russia: Western journalists swarm troubled Kursk region amid Ukrainian offensive

    A CNN news team recently visited Russia's border with Ukraine, filming a report at the Sudzha checkpoint. This checkpoint was the starting point for the Ukrainian offensive into the Kursk Region on August 6. The footage shows Ukrainian and Western made vehicles freely crossing the checkpoint in both directions. Nick Paton Walsh, CNN's international security correspondent, called the scene "remarkable" and noted that the Russian border "looks completely unprotected." Walsh also spoke to a …

  • Russia puts together a list of undesirable Western media sources

    The Commission of the Russian Federation Council on the Protection of State Sovereignty and the Prevention of Interference in Internal Russian Affairs has compiled a list of media outlets whose activities may be restricted in the Russian Federation. The list included CNN (Cable News Network), Voice of America, and Radio Liberty, although there are no more than five media outlets on the list, according to RBC news’ source in the Department. This information was confirmed by one of the commission …

  • Facebook: Russia used fake accounts to push its agenda

    The President of the United States Donald Trump keeps calling CNN “fake news”. However, the U.S. investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential elections just took a new turn!

    Facebook reported on the 6th of September that the social network had revealed that the Kremlin associated Russian company had spent over $100,000 to purchase approximately 3,000 politically motivated ads on divisive social issues, such as gun control, illegal immigration, race, and gay rights. …

  • Radio Liberty, Voice of America and CNN were called 'agents of U.S. pressure' against Russia

    In the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Radio Liberty, Voice of America and CNN broadcasters are regarded as “agents of U.S. pressure on the situation in Russia.”

    On April 18, the head of the lower house Committee for Information Policy, Leonid Levin said that the US media is part of the “large-scale system of pressure of Washington,” which allegedly includes “various funds, non-governmental organizations, grants and much more.”

    This statement was made by Levin on April 18 during …