Contents tagged with Ceasefire

  • Kyiv is skeptical about statements made by French and German Foreign Ministers about the Donbas

    Attempts made by the German and French foreign ministers to revive the Minsk Agreements in Moscow and the Donbas have caused a sharp reaction from Ukrainian politicians and experts. The foreign ministers discussed this issue during their visit to Kiev. Ukraine does not believe that Europe has the ability to ensure a ceasefire in the Donbas. They also do not agree with the ministers’ proposal on the procedure for the fulfillment of the Minsk Agreements, Deutsche Welle reported.

    Set against a …

  • OSCE notes the success of the Orthodox Easter ceasefire in the Donbas

    In the last three days, attacks have been minimal in the Donbas

    As was stated during a briefing by OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, the ceasefire in the Donbas, as agreed before the May holidays, is being successfully maintained, Terra Espana reported.

    "During the celebration of Orthodox Easter, a ceasefire agreement was reached and it has been successful; the number of incidents in the last three days have been reduced,” Zannier noted.

    However, he also emphasized that there has been …

  • Poroshenko proposes ceasefire for Orthodox Easter

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expects Russia and pro-Russian separatists to adhere to a ceasefire in the Donbas beginning April 29th in order to observe the Orthodox Easter holiday. Poroshenko said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces would agree to a “quiet mode” over the weekend if the separatists comply, Radio Svoboda reported.

    "This year Easter will be a test for Russia's membership in the Christian civilization. To pass this test, Russia and its puppets should unconditionally cease fire …

  • Armenia is ready to adhere to an OSCE-monitored ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh

    The Press Service of the Armenian Defense Ministry announced on Friday that Armenia is ready to respect the Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire, if Azerbaijan responds positively to the call of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman, Andrzej Kasprzyk, reported Interfax-Ukraine.

    "Answering the call of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman we claim that the Armenian Armed Forces are ready to strictly comply with the ceasefire on the borders of Armenia and will not take any steps that …

  • Ceasefire broken in Donetsk; holds in Luhansk

    Andrei Lysenko, the spokesperson of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine on issues related to hostilities in the Donbas region, reported on January 9th that there were no losses or injuries among Ukrainian soldiers on the front line.

    According to the report, in the Luhansk region the ceasefire continues to hold but in the Donetsk region near Svetlodarsk opposing forces fired repeatedly at Ukrainian forces simultaneously from several directions to the south from Luhanskoye. The Ukrainians …

  • OSCE observers detained in eastern Ukraine

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) reported on Friday that a group of their observers was detained by pro-Russian separatists of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) near the city of Horlivka, 40 kilometers northeast of Donetsk.

    “In Horlivka… armed ‘DPR’ members stopped an SMM patrol and forced the SMM monitors to the ground. The SMM vehicle was searched for video material and SMM monitors were taken to a ‘military- …

  • Despite ceasefire violations, Ukraine will not abandon Minsk Agreement

    During a visit to the Aerotekhnika-MLT Company to examine the production and modernization of air defense systems, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, spoke about ceasefire violations and the Minsk Agreements.

    The news agency Ukrinform reported Turchynov as saying "Russia has completely disrupted the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. Of course, the Minsk process is not halted. It will continue next year and, hopefully, more effectively …

  • German Foreign Minister calls for full implementation of Minsk Agreements

    The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, wrote on his Facebook page that Berlin favors the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements, the holding of local elections in the occupied territories of eastern Ukraine, and the release of all prisoners.

    Steinmeir made it clear that the increase in the number of skirmishes in the Donbas region during the winter holidays is cause for concern. The Minister noted that he asked the Special Representative of the OSCE in Ukraine, …

  • Russia shelled Ukrainian territory again.

    As per the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Press Centre,Two soldiers of the 128th Brigade were wounded during the last night shelling of the township of Stanytsya Luhanska.Russian heavy weaponry “pulled back” as per the Minsk Treaty was used again last night.This time it was the positions of the Transcarpathian 128th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that got hit by the enemy fire from the right bank of Seversky Donets river.Both wounded were hospitalized and are receiving the …

  • Fighting intensified in the East of Ukraine

     Seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 13 injured over the past day in the zone of the antiterrorist operation.

    As stated by Alex Motuzyanyk, a spokesman of the presidential administration at a traditional Thursday briefing this morning.

    He said the past day reflected the intensification of fighting in the east of Ukraine.

    "During the last day of hostilities, seven Ukrainian troops were killed and another 13 injured."

    According to Motuzyanyk, these losses were sustained near the township …