Contents tagged with Columbia

  • Russian authorities detain two Colombian nationals accused of fighting for Ukraine

    Russian authorities have detained two Colombian nationals suspected of participating in combat activities alongside Ukraine, reports RIA Novosti citing the FSB. The security service identified the detainees as José Aaron Medina Miranda and Alexander Ante. Colombian media had reported that the two men went missing in Venezuela while on their way back home to Colombia.

    "José Aaron Medina and his partner Alexander Ante were preparing to return home after a lengthy struggle against Russia. As they …

  • Columbia expels two Russian diplomats for espionage

    Colombian authorities have expelled two Russian diplomats from the country, reported the newspaper El Tiempo with reference to the director of Columbia’s immigration service Juan Francisco Espinosa.

    "On December 8, two Russian citizens who worked at this country’s embassy on our territory left the country," he said.

    According to him, these persons were expelled for interstate reasons. "Given the circumstances in which these two people leave, they will not be able to return to the country in …