Contents tagged with Denmark

  • Denmark seeks to block Nord Stream-2 pipeline

    Denmark’s government proposed to amend legislation to enable it to ban the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline construction project, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine with reference to Euronews.

    Currently, this type of project can be stopped for environmental reasons. The government of Denmark proposes to allow authorities to also impose a ban based on national security and foreign policy priorities.

    As stated by the country’s Ministry of Energy, the pipeline issue should also be deliberated by the …

  • Denmark allocated 65 million euros to support Ukrainian reforms

    Denmark has allocated 65 million euro towards a 5-year strategy to support reforms in Ukraine, as was announced by the Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, at a joint briefing with President Petro Poroshenko.

    According to him, the funds will be allocated to support reforms in Ukraine in the areas of decentralization, anti-corruption, energy, and public administration. Rasmussen confirmed his full support of the sovereignty of Ukraine and its territorial integrity.

    Denmark will …

  • Denmark to increase military spending due to 'Russian threat'

    Denmark is planning to increase military spending due to Russia’s deployment of anti-ballistic missile systems in the Kaliningrad region, which is considered by the Danish Government as potential threat, as stated on Friday by the head of the Defense Ministry of the Kingdom, Claus Hjort Frederiksen.

    "We can see today that the Russians are deploying new missiles in Kaliningrad which can reach Copenhagen. Of course, it is a serious threat,” the Minister said in an interview with the local …

  • Denmark recognized Russian aggression as one of the main threats to its security

    Authorities in Denmark have recognized cyberattacks, terrorists-loners, and Russian aggression as the greatest threats to the country, according to a new long-term risk assessment conducted by Danish Defense Intelligence, Local reported. According to the content of the report, Denmark is still a target for terrorists and spies. Criminals are active in cyberspace and Russia will demonstrate its military might in the coming years.

    “Russia is building up and modernizing its military in the …

  • Danish intelligence: Expansion of Arctic shelf could lead to worsening relations with Russia

    The expansion of the Russian continental shelf in the Arctic, among other issues, may lead to the worsening of relations between the Russian Federation and Denmark, whose claim to an arctic shelf overlaps with a Russian one, as reported by the newspaper Berlingske, based on a report by the Scandinavian Kingdom’s military intelligence devoted to the analysis of threats to the country until 2030.

    "The Kingdom may face a new challenge if Russia, as it is expected, receives an answer to its claim …

  • Denmark rejected Russia's offer to divide the Arctic in two

    Last week Russian Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Sergey Donskoy said to Russian President Vladimir Putin that he wanted to start a bilateral dialogue with Denmark as soon as possible, to decide how to allocate control of the Arctic, including the North Pole.

    But, as reported by the Financial Times, Copenhagen rejected Moscow’s proposal to split the 550,000 sq km-territory between them. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Kristian Jensen told the newspaper that his country …

  • Ukraine receives demining equipment from the EU

    The European Union, in partnership with the Danish Refugee Council and the Danish Demining Group, gave the Ukrainian State Emergency Service (GSCHS) 200,000 euros worth of demining equipment for use in the Donbas, RBC-Ukraine reported.

    "This is class 4 body armor, Kevlar helmets. This equipment is very necessary to us,” a representative of the GSCHS, Oleh Bondar, stated.

    The equipment can locate mines at a depth of 3 meters.

    “We must ask the aggressor country [Russia] when they will stop …

  • Rasmussen: Denmark will support Ukraine, but expects progress in the implementation of reforms

    The Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Rasmussen, stated that Denmark sees much potential in Ukraine and awaits further reforms from the country’s leadership. “It is important that Ukraine continues the reform process. I congratulated the Prime Minister and the President of this country for those reforms that Ukraine implemented in recent years,” Rasmussen reported during a joint press conference in Kiev on Tuesday after negotiations with the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

    He added that, …

  • Ukraine and Denmark launch joint military transport operation

    Ukraine and Denmark have launched a joint military transport operation called Severny Sokol – 2016, as reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.  "Today, on April 4th, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of Denmark, we have developed a technical agreement for air transportation and a joint military transport operation, Severny Sokol – 2016, to transport fuel from …