Contents tagged with Finland

  • Finnish government report states the country's ascension to NATO would provoke a crisis with Russia

    According to a report released by the Finnish government, if the country joined NATO, it would provoke a crisis in relations with Russia, Evropeyskaya Pravda reported.

    As noted by the Yle Finnish broadcasting company, a working group which assesses the implications of the possible accession of Finland to NATO submitted a report to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Timo Soini. 

    According to the report, membership in NATO would most likely affect Finland's security, as it would help deter …

  • Finland allocates half a million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

    The Ambassador of Ukraine to Finland, Andriy Olefirov, wrote on Twitter that Finland announced the allocation of half a million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine. "Today the government of Finland has announced the allocation of the next tranche of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 500 thousand euros," Olefirov wrote.

    Recently, the European Commission allocated a new humanitarian package worth 20 million euros to help people affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine. …

  • Finland is opposed to lifting sanctions against Russia

    Finland advocates full implementation of the Minsk Agreements. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Timo Soini, during his working visit to Ukraine on February 17th at a meeting with Pavel Klimkin.

    During the meeting of the Ministers, the Finnish side assured the Ukrainians that they would continue to adhere to the EU's common positions. However, the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements will be a precondition for the lifting of sanctions against Russia.

    In …

  • Finnish authorities surprised by influx of refugees across border with Russia

    The Deputy Chief of the Finnish Border Guard, Ilkka Laitinen, is perplexed by the situation in which their border with Russia has quickly become one of the main crossing areas for refugees.  It is noted that more than 20 asylum-seekers crossed the border on Monday, February, 15th.

    "This phenomenon raises many questions, the answers to which we do not have.  One question is why people are crossing the northern border of Raja-Jooseppi and Salla, while the southern border crossings remain the …

  • Finland concerned about possible influx of refugees to Russia

    The President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, has said that Russia could face the same influx of refugees that Turkey is witnessing.  This was reported by Interfax on the 14th of February, with reference to a statement made by Niinistö in the Finnish edition of MTV News during the Munich Security Conference.

    "If Turkey closes its border, or its running stream is under control, the uncontrollable wave of people will move somewhere else," Niinistö said.  "In this sense, Russia could become the next …

  • Finland prepared to deploy troops along Russian border to control refugee crisis

    In reference to a Lännen Media publication, Kainuun Sanomat reported that Finnish authorities are prepared to deploy soldiers in joint force with the Russian Federation along the eastern border.  This is due to the current influx of refugees into Finland.  It was noted that as of right now there are officially 1500 guards protecting the border with Russia, which equates to approximately one border guard per kilometer.

    “However, in practice, only a part of personnel is on duty there,” the …

  • Timo Soini: Illegal Crossings of Russian-Finnish Border Must Be Stopped

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Timo Soini, stated that it is necessary to take tough steps in order to stop illegal migration across the Russian-Finnish border. “It seems that rough measures are even desperately required. We have to bring an end to illegal immigration and migration,” the Minister stated in an interview.

    The influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa is rising south of the Murmansk region on the border with Finland. Refugees are no longer allowed to cross …

  • Finland Expects Thousands of Refugees to Enter Via Russia In 2016

    Finland’s national public-broadcasting company, Yle, cited the Lapland border service, who predicted that in the year 2016 about 7,500 refugees could enter Finland through the border with Russia. This forecast was made based on the current rate of arrival of asylum-seekers.

    Since the beginning of the year around 200 refugees crossed the Finnish-Russian border through the checkpoints Salla and Raja-Jooseppi. Most of the refugees were Iraqis, Afghans, Nepalese and Syrians. Last year 700 …

  • Finland Extradites Russian Hacker to the US

    The Ministry of Justice of Finland has announced that it will extradite Maxim Senakh to the United States where he will be charged with computer fraud, as reported by TASS.

    Senakh, a Russian national, is wanted for computer fraud. He is believed to have stolen millions of dollars.

    The decision was announced by his lawyer Igor Hitruhin in an interview with TASS. The decision cannot be appealed.

    Earlier, the Supreme Court of Finland ruled that there are no obstacles for the extradition of …