Contents tagged with Germany

  • German banks refuse to open accounts for Russia Today news agency

    According to RT itself, Ruptly GmbH (RT video agency) and RT DE Productions GmbH (RT's Website in German) received notices on February 26 about the closure of accounts in Сommerzbank from May 31 this year. This happened a month after the announcement of the upcoming launch of Ruptly’s German TV channel scheduled for December 2021.

    Ruptly has sent dozens of requests to other German banks, as well as to European banks with branches in Germany, asking to open an account. But none of them agreed. …

  • Two people convicted in Germany for violating sanctions against Russia

    A court in Hamburg has sentenced two German citizens for violating an arms embargo on Russia imposed after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, reported the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

    One of the convicts is a 41-year-old businessman from Augsburg in southwestern Bavaria. He was sentenced to 3 years 9 months in prison, as fine of almost €8 million.

    The first of the accused, Alexander S., was detained in February last year. According to investigators, from January 2016 to January 2018, …

  • Germany accused Bundestag electrician of spying for Russia

    The German Prosecutor General's Office has filed charges against a German, suspected of working for Russian intelligence. 

    The name of the accused is Jens F.. His full name is not provided.

    The individual worked for a company that was a contractor for the Bundestag and was inspecting electrical appliances in buildings used by the German Parliament and its support services. He had access to floor plans of these buildings.

    "Between the end of July 2017 and the beginning of September 2017, the …

  • Largest investor leaves Nord Stream 2

    Germany's Wintershall Dea no longer plans to provide funding to the Nord Stream 2 project, the company said in a annual report.

    "The Group‘s involvement with the Nord Stream 2 project is limited to the provision of loans together with four major European energy companies (ENGIE, OMV, Shell and Uniper). The company‘s loan payments to Nord Stream 2 AG amount to €730 million and were completed prior to the revision of the ‘Countering America‘s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act ‘CAATSA‘ Section 232 …

  • Poland: Nord Stream 2 is 'a selfish project' of Russia and Germany

    Russia's Nord Stream 2 project is damaging European energy security, said the Chief of Poland’s Presidential Chancellery, Krzysztof Szczerski, reports Polskie Radio.

    "This is a very selfish project between the two countries (Russia and Germany) that deals a blow to the entire energy security structure of Europe and the Euro-Atlantic space," Szczerski said.

    According to Szczerski, reports that Joe Biden's administration can agree to the implementation of this project are not true.

    Szczerski …

  • Germany, Sweden and Poland expel Russian diplomats

    The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs has declared persona non grata one of the employees of the Russian Embassy in Berlin, announced the representative of the German Foreign Ministry on Monday, February 8. According to him, this step was a response of the German government to the expulsion of one of the employees of the German Embassy in Moscow and diplomats of other EU countries.

    The German Foreign Ministry spokesman called Moscow's decision "unjustified" and noted that the German diplomat …

  • Russia resumes construction of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    Russia has resumed laying pipes for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, reports the Russian news agency Interfax, citing Nord Stream 2 AG.

    "On January 24, the pipelay vessel Fortuna began work on the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Today, the Fortuna vessel began laying pipes in Danish waters after successfully conducting sea tests. All works are carried out in accordance with the relevant permits. We will provide more information about the construction and our future plans," Nord …

  • Germany considers shutting down Nord Stream-2 if Russia stops gas transit through Ukraine

    The German government is considering the possibility of establishing a mechanism which will allow shutting down the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline if Russia reduces gas transit through Ukraine, reported German newspaper WirtschaftsWoche citing sources.

    According to the newspaper, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas are not considering the full withdrawal from the gas pipeline project.

    At the same time, instead of completely stopping the construction, they are considering the …

  • U.S. gives Germany ultimatum on Nord Stream 2

    For the first time, the United States signaled its readiness to start a dialogue on lifting sanctions from Nord Stream 2, provided that Germany prepares a package of proposals, reported the newspaper Handelsblatt, citing sources in the American administration." The German side should put a package of solutions on the negotiating table," the source of the newspaper said. "Otherwise, we will not be able to solve the Nord Stream 2 problem”.

    The Americans demand establishing a mechanism that will …

  • Russia resumes construction of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    The Russian pipelay crane vessel Fortuna resumed construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Danish waters, reported TASS, citing the press service of Nord Stream 2 AG.

    "The Fortuna has begun work on Nord Stream 2 pipeline in Danish waters. The work is carried out in accordance with the agreements," the company said.

    The Fortuna has been in the Nord Stream 2 construction zone, south of Bornholm Island, since January 22.

    The Danish Maritime Authority reported that, along with the …