Contents tagged with Germany

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister accuses Germany of fearing consequences of a Russian defeat

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis indirectly accused Berlin of being afraid of putting Russia on the brink of defeat in Ukraine. "I think the most important thing we should discuss is fear,”  he said on Monday, January 23, at a meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Brussels. "We must overcome the fear of defeating Russia when it comes to additional sanctions or additional military assistance to Ukraine."

    Landsbergis stressed that the Europeans are deterred from strengthening …

  • Defense Minister Reznikov: Ukrainian tank crews begin training on German Leopard 2 tanks as discussions about their delivery continue

    Even though the meeting of Ukrainian representatives with Western allies in Ramstein ended without news about the delivery of tanks to Ukraine, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov promised "continuation".

    US President Joe Biden said, in response to a question whether he supported the idea of Poland sending German tanks to Ukraine, that Kyiv would receive all the necessary assistance to fight the Russian army.

    Ukraine's ambassador to the UK, Vadym Prystaiko, said in an interview with …

  • German Intelligence concerned over Ukraine’s losses in battles for Bakhmut

    Germany's Federal Intelligence Service (BND) is concerned about the high losses suffered by the Ukrainian Army in the battles for the city of Bakhmut.

    According to the magazine Der Spiegel, representatives of the service informed German politicians at a secret meeting in the Bundestag that Ukraine’s daily losses are reaching three-digit numbers.

    At the same time, German intelligence believes that the seizure of this settlement by the Russians will have serious consequences, since it will …

  • German Chancellor Scholz: talks with Putin will be needed to end Russia’s war against Ukraine

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not rule out further negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the Russian Federation against Ukraine. "Our goal is for Russia to stop its war of aggression, and Ukraine to defend its integrity," the head of the German government told the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

    In order to achieve this, it will be "necessary to talk," the chancellor explained. "It remains to be seen whether this will happen by phone, video link or at a long table," …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador: Germany can begin delivering Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine soon

    Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Oleksiy Makeyev said he expects that Germany would begin direct deliveries of battle tanks  to Ukraine. 

    "We have reason to hope that a decision will be made to supply Leopard 2 tanks from Germany directly to Ukraine," he said in an interview with Funke news agency.

    According to him, negotiations are under way with the German federal government. Makeyev stressed that Ukraine needs these battle tanks.

    "It's time to stop talking how to avoid provoking Russia. …

  • Media: Russians discussed a nuclear strike on Germany before the war with Ukraine

    A few weeks before the attack on Ukraine, the Russian army discussed scenarios for a nuclear strike on Germany, reports Spiegel, citing intelligence data. Western intelligence agencies allegedly intercepted Russian Navy radio communications during its drills in the Baltic Sea at the end of last year.

    The intercepted conversations focused on three targets for possible strikes: Berlin, the U.S. air base at Ramstein and Büchel Air Base, where the U.S. army stores nuclear weapons.

    Security …

  • Merkel: lasting peace in Europe is possible only together with Russia

    At a ceremony dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that a "lasting peace" in Europe is possible only if Russia is part of it.

    According to her, the attack on Ukraine was a "deep turning point" and that "all of us must take words seriously, and not to classify them as bluff from the very beginning." The ex-chancellor stressed that a lasting peace in Europe can be achieved only with the participation of Russia.

    "As …

  • German intelligence providing Ukraine with information about locations and movement of Russian troops

    The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) provides the Ukrainian Armed Forces with satellite data showing the positions and movements of the Russian army and also conducting analyses of combat capability and morale among Russian soldiers, reports the German newspaper Die Zeit.

    According to media reports, since May, the BND has handed over to Ukrainian intelligence more than 100 text reports and satellite images taken with the help of the Bundeswehr-owned SAR-Lupe reconnaissance satellite …

  • German media: Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines damaged beyond repair

    German security services believe that the three branches of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines were so seriously damaged that they will never be suitable for operation. If they are not repaired quickly, a large amount of salt water will get into the pipes, which will cause corrosion, reports the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, citing sources in German government circles.

    Like the European Commission, German security agencies and the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) …

  • German media: Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines may have been attacked by specially trained divers or submarines

    Russia's Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines could have been attacked using submarines or specially trained divers, reports the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, citing sources close to the investigation of the incident.

    Representatives of the German authorities do not provide details about the incident, insisting on the lack of information and the need to dive to the bottom to find out the details. However, the sources of the newspaper say they do not believe in a coincidence that …