Contents tagged with italy

  • Russian officer and Italian navy captain detained in Rome for espionage

    Italian counterintelligence officers detained in Rome a high-ranking officer of the Italian navy while he was passing classified information to an officer of the Russian embassy, reports the newspaper La Repubblica.

    The individuals were detained during the "exchange of documents." The operation was carried out after a long investigation involving the Italian Internal Information and Security Service, Italian Carabinieri Special Operations Group, representatives of the country's intelligence …

  • Russia asks Italy for a favor in return for coronavirus aid

    The representative of the Italian Five Star Movement and the president of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Vito Petrocelli received a letter from his colleague in the Russian State Duma Leonid Slutsky, in which Slutsky asks that Italy help lift the sanctions, writes the Italian newspaper Linkiesta.

    "Finally, Moscow sent a bill for the aid (including military) which was sent to Italy to fight the coronavirus," the newspaper writes.

    In the letter, Slutsky point out to Russia’s assistance …

  • Italians offered 200 euros for positive comments about Putin

    The Kremlin launched a PR campaign of bribing Italians in order to promote its image abroad, reports the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. According to the newspaper, Italians have started receiving messages on the popular messenger WhatsApp with an offer to get 200 euros for a good video comment about Putin, Russia and the Russian "assistance" to Italy.

    According to the Italian newspaper, Moscow is trying to improve the image of Putin's Russia using social networks and fake spontaneous videos. …

  • Ukraine sends 20 medical personnel to Italy to fight coronavirus pandemic

    On Saturday, April 4, 20 medical workers from the Ukrainian Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Health flew to help Italian doctors, reports the press service of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry.

    All the doctors decided to go to Italy voluntarily. Within a few days, Ukraine will also send humanitarian aid to Italy: a special cargo of disinfectants.

    "Today we are sending 20 Ukrainian medical workers to the Marche region. For us, this is an important step, to help friends in difficult times. …

  • La Stampa: 80% of Russian coronavirus aid to Italy is useless

    Russia's assistance to Italy in the fight against coronavirus is a geopolitical and diplomatic project of Vladimir Putin, 80% of the supply of Russian equipment is useless in contrast to Chinese supplies, wrote Italian newspaper La Stampa with reference to unnamed high-ranking political sources.

    "Among Russian supplies, 80% are absolutely useless or of little use for Italy. In short, it is little more than a pretext," the newspaper quoted one of the interlocutors as saying.

    The newspaper …

  • Top manager of Russian defense conglomerate Rostec arrested in Italy at US’s request

    Alexander Korshunov, an executive at the United Engine Corporation (UEC), a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned conglomerate Rostec, has been arrested in Naples at the US’s request.

    “We confirm the fact that one of our employees has been detained abroad. We are confident that he was not involved in any illicit activity. The corporation will do everything it can to protect his interests,” the UEC said in a statement as quoted by Interfax news agency.

    Rostec said that Korshunov was being …

  • Ukrainian ambassador to Italy: Markiv trial was Russian special operation

    Ukrainian Ambassador to Italy Yevhen Perelygin said that the case against the Ukrainian National Guard commander Vitalii Markiv was a “Russian special operation, organized to discredit the Ukrainian opposition of Russian aggression,” Eurointegration reports, citing

    “I am convinced that the entire trial against, as well as the recent verdict of the Pavia jury, is proof of a large-scale Russian special operation, organized in Italy to discredit the Ukrainian opposition of Russian …

  • Italy seizes air-to-air missile from Neo-Nazis who fought in Donbas

    The Italian police have uncovered a network of Neo-Nazis and seized an arsenal of weapons that includes automatic rifles, pistols and objects with Nazi symbols.

    In a special operation, the anti-terrorist division of the Italian state police in Turin arrested three people and seized an arsenal of weapons, which included an air-to-air missile, which presumably belonged to the right-wing extremists who had been involved in the Donbas conflict, the Italian police announced in a statement on 15 …

  • Italian court sentences three mercenaries who fought in Donbas

    A court in Genoa, Italy, has given prison sentences to three mercenaries who fought against Ukraine in the Donbas, the local news outlet La Stampa reports.

    Antonio Cataldo (35, from Nola, Naples) was given 2 years 8 months; Olsi Krutani (39, an Albanian who relocated to Milan a long time ago) was also given 2 years 8 months; and Vladimir Verbitchii (26, a Moldovan who has lived in Parma for many years) was given 1 year 4 months in prison.

    The three were found guilty of unsanctioned …

  • Turkey ready to transport Azerbaijani gas to EU

    All of the transport infrastructure for the Southern Gas Corridor in Turkey has become operational. From 2020, the corridor will enable Azerbaijan to supply Europe with gas without going through Russia. The Azerbaijani state oil and gas company Socar announced on 1 July that the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) is completely ready to supply Europe with gas from the giant Shah Deniz 2 deposit in the Caspian Sea.

    The 1,850 km long pipeline will receive gas entering Azerbajian through …