Contents tagged with Kherson

  • Defense Minister Reznikov: advance of Ukrainian troops in Kherson region has been slowed down by bad weather

    Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that rainy weather slowed down the advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson region, but Ukrainian troops are successfully using “small steps” tactics.

    "In the south, we are also continuing the counter-offensive campaign. Right now, the weather conditions – I mean the rain. This slowed us down a little,” said the Ukrainian Defense Minister in an interview with the Fox News.

    Reznikov pointed out that all the bridges in the Kherson …

  • Kyiv: Russia deploying additional troops to Kherson

    Evacuation of people and property from the occupied Kherson, previously announced by Russia, is an information operation and manipulation. In fact, the Russian authorities are bringing additional military units to the city and preparing the streets for defense, said the Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Kirill Budanov in an interview with the newspaper Ukrainska Pravda.

    "In many aspects, it is an information operation and manipulation. Here are some …

  • Russian authorities call on the residents of Kherson to immediately leave the city

    The Russia-installed administration of the Kherson region called on the residents to "immediately leave the city."

    "Residents of Kherson and all departments and ministries of civil administration should cross to the left bank of the Dnieper today. Due to the tense situation at the front, the increased danger of massive shelling of the city and the threat of terrorist attacks, all civilians should immediately leave the city and cross to the left bank of the Dnieper!" reads the statement. …

  • Russia preparing to surrender Kherson

    According to the commander of the Russian troops in the zone of the so-called "special operation" in Ukraine, General Sergei Surovikin, "the situation in Kherson is very difficult."

    "We will act consciously, in a timely manner, not excluding the adoption of the most difficult decisions," the general said on the air of the TV channel Russia 24.

    According to Surovikin, "the enemy strikes at critical infrastructure," so "further plans and actions regarding the city of Kherson itself will depend …

  • Russia: Ukrainian Forces have begun active phase of offensive in Kherson region

    The Ukrainian Forces have begun the active phase of the offensive in the Kherson region, but the Russian army is ready to repel attacks, said the Russia-installed deputy “governor" of the region, Kirill Stremousov.

    "It doesn't mean anything. On August 28, there was also an active phase just in the area of Posad-Pokrovske, which was successfully stopped by the Russian army," he stressed.

    Stremousov said that the Ukrainian troops are carrying out the offensive between Dudchany and Berislav. He …

  • Media: Putin is considering a ceasefire in Ukraine to prepare for a new offensive

    Russia continues to promote the idea of negotiations with Ukraine, but Vladimir Putin is not going to refuse to continue the war and hopes to use a ceasefire to prepare for a new offensive in February-March 2023, reports the news outlet Meduza, citing its sources close to the Kremlin.

    According to Meduza, Putin is thinking about resuming negotiations, despite the refusal of the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, to negotiate with him after Russia’s annexation of 4 regions of Ukraine. At …

  • Ukrainian troops continue their advance towards Kherson

    While Russian troops are shelling Ukrainian cities and critical infrastructure, Ukrainian Forces continue their advance towards Kherson. Since August, the Ukrainian side has regained control over more than 1,170 square kilometers in the Kherson region. On Thursday, in a morning review of the military situation, British intelligence claimed that Ukrainian troops were confidently advancing towards Kherson.

    Having retreated about 20 km in early October, Russian troops are likely trying to …

  • Kyiv: Russia evacuating FSB officers and local officials from occupied Ukrainian territories

    Russian special services are preparing the evacuation of their officers from the captured Ukrainian territories.

    FSB officers, currently stationed in the occupied regions of Ukraine, received an order from their leadership to begin preparations for returning to the territory of the Russian Federation, reported the Ukrainian National Resistance Center on its website.

    According to the ministry, not only FSB officers, but also members of their families, as well as the heads of the so-called …

  • The Kremlin has decided to postpone official annexation of Ukrainian territories

    The Kremlin decided not to rush with the official "annexation" of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, and the occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, reports Meduza, citing sources in the Kremlin.

    Earlier, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin announced that meetings on the "annexation" of Ukrainian territories will be held on October 3 and 4.

    "Volodin, as always, was ready to run ahead of the traing and get ahead of the agenda, when there was no clear …

  • Russia begins accession referendums in occupied territories of Ukraine

    "Polling stations" have opened in the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions. "Voting" in all territories will last until September 27. Also, polling stations also began to open in Russia, where, according to the Kremlin, refugees will vote.

    According to TASS, "in the interests of security", in the first four days, the voting will be done through door-to-door visits.

    In the DPR and LPR the referendum questionnaire also has a question whether …