Contents tagged with Kherson

  • Ukrainian intelligence: Russia may invade Kherson region

    The Russian army may attack the Kherson region, reported the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service.

    It is noted that before the annexation of Crimea by Russia, mainland Ukraine provided up to 85% of the peninsula's needs for fresh water. Thus, Russia "can, under a far-fetched pretext, move deep into the Kherson region in order to capture the north-Crimean Canal dam."

    According to the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence, at the moment, the Kremlin is counting on the COVID-19 pandemic to improve …

  • Governor of Kherson region calls on Kyiv to deploy additional troops amid growing threat of Russian attack

    In an interview with the Ukrainian news outlet, the head of the Kherson Region, Yuri Gusev, said that he had appealed to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine to increase the number of military personnel in the region amid reports that Russia can conduct a military operation against Ukraine from the annexed Crimea.

    According to Gusev, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry pledged to allocate necessary infrastructure to accommodate additional units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in …

  • Ukraine tests S-125 Pechora surface-to-air missile system against sea targets

    The surface-to-air missiles that were launched successfully destroyed a target ship in the Black Sea, the Ukrainian Navy said in a press release. According to the report, the tests were done at the Yahorlyk Test Range in the Kherson region. The two launched S-125 surface-to-air missiles destroyed a decommissioned Ukrainian naval vessel, which served as the target. The tests were declared successful. “During the combat launches, the missiles launched from the S-125 system destroyed a surface …

  • Ukraine to build floating spacecraft launch platform

    The Ukrainian Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant or Yuzhmash started creating a spacecraft launch floating platform in Kherson, stated the plant’s General Director, Serhiy Voyt, Ukrinform reports. 

    “Ukraine does not have its own Cosmodrome (spacecraft launch site) but Yuzhmash itself specializes in manufacturing of rockets and is involved in foreign economic activity with 23 countries, including Europe. We should have our own platform for launching spacecraft and it can be created in the Kherson …

  • Ukrainian military test surface-to-air missiles near annexed Crimea

    The press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported that the Ukrainian military tested air defense systems in the Kherson region. The exercises using modernized 2К12-2D Kub and BM9K330 Tor air defense systems were conducted at Yahorlyk test range, near the annexed Crimea.  

    “Tests of the modernized air defense systems, which are being brought back to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are in the final phase. It will give us the opportunity to form new units, to significantly increase …

  • Sea Breeze 2019 international exercises to be held in three southern regions of Ukraine

    The international military exercises Sea Breeze 2019 will be held in Mykolaiv, Kherson and Odessa regions in the north-western part of the Black Sea, the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported.

    During the preparatory conference, in Odessa, the participating countries clarified training tasks, developed a scenario and training plan, prepared the leadership headquarters for in accordance with NATO standards.

    According to the plan of exercises, the current Ukrainian-American …

  • Ukrainian Police finds secret water pipeline running from Kherson region into Crimea

    Ukrainian law enforcement officers found a clandestine water pipeline running into annexed Crimea from the Kherson region, as reported on the website of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine. The water supply well was fifteen meters away from the boundary line. According to preliminary information, a concealed plastic pipe was laid before 2014 and leads to an industrial enterprise in the Crimea.

    "During the pre-trial investigation against CJSC Crimean Titan, two water supply wells in the …

  • Crimea hit by another release of toxic chemicals

    Rospotrebnadzor (Russia’s Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare) recorded a new release of harmful substances in Armyansk located in the annexed Crimea, Dozhd reported. 

    According to Dozhd, the new release of toxic substances took place on September 14.

    The city authorities introduced an emergency measures due to the harmful substances emissions at the Crimean Titan plant. The administration of Armyansk announced that the concentration of harmful substances …

  • Kyiv: toxic emissions at Crimean Titan plant caused by industrial accident

    An industrial accident took place at the Titan Investments (“Crimean Titan”) plant in the annexed Crimea, said Kherson Governor Andriy Hordeev at a press conference.

    “According to information acquired by our intelligence, they had an industrial accident. What caused it is yet to come out. The fact that they concealed it from citizens is true. As far as we know, they are urgently filling in that acid storage facility with phosphate gypsum and lime in order to quell the reaction of the sulfuric …

  • Kyiv: 700 residents of Kherson region evacuated due to risk of chemical poisoning from emissions in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories  said on September 8 that there was no need to evacuate the entire Kherson region because there have been no recorded cases of chemical poisoning due to emissions from the Titan factory in the Crimea. At the same time, about two thousand children will be transferred to Skadovsk for their health and safety.

    The Ministry sent two hundred people to Skadovsk on September 7 and then another five hundred people the day after. The Kherson …