Contents tagged with Kim Jong-un

  • North Korea wants to strengthen its friendship with Russia

    North Korea’s state economic development strategy for 2016-2020 implies strengthening ties with Russia, reports TASS with reference to the Japanese newspaper Mainichi, which gained access to this document.

    According to the newspaper, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) wants to increase its trade with Russia to one billion dollars. North Korea will abandon its one-sided orientation toward China and will expand trade with Southeast Asia and Middle East countries.

    The reason for …

  • Mongolia wants to host the meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-un

    The meeting of the DPRK leader Kim Jong-un and the president of the United States Donald Trump could take place in Mongolia. The Mongolian Foreign Minister Damdin Tsogtbaatar announced that the country is open to hosting the summit.

    "We are open. Mongolia’s main goal is to facilitate the continuation of the dialogue,” said the minister, as quoted by RIA Novosti. According to Tsogtbaatar, Mongolian authorities also invited the DPRK leader to visit the country on an official visit as this year …

  • Kremlin invites Kim Jong-un to Russia

    The press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov confirmed that North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un received an invitation to visit Russia, reports Interfax.

    “Russian officials have invited the North Korean leader to visit Russia. The dates and place will be agreed via diplomatic channels, "- said Kremlin’s representative.

    Earlier, the Russian newspaper Izvestia, citing an informed diplomatic source in South Korea, reported that the North Korean leader is likely to visit Russia. “ …

  • Kim Jong-un confirms his intention to visit Russia

    During a meeting with the Russian Federation Council Chairperson Valentina Matviyenko, the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un confirmed his readiness to visit Russia,RIA Novosti reports.

    “He said he does not want to postpone this meeting and now through diplomatic channels, the process of setting a time and place for the visit can begin,” noted Matviyenko.

    At the same time, she added that because of a tight schedule, Kim Jong-un cannot visit the Eastern Economic Forum, to which Russian …

  • Kim Jong-un's private jet spotted in Russia

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's private plane was spotted at Vladivostok airport on Monday, July 9, South Korean news agency Yonhap reports.The plane was at the airport for about three hours. It remains unknown whether Kim Jong-un was on board the aircraft or not.

    Yonhap assumes that the plane could have brought to Vladivostok the officials engaged in preparations for the North Korean leader's possible visit to Russia as part of the Eastern Economic Forum.

    In late May, Foreign Minister of …

  • Putin receives message from Kim Jong-un

    Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of North Korea Kim Yong-nam sent a message from head of state Kim Jong-un to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin replied by inviting the leader of North Korea to Russia,reported TASS.

    "I have the honor to convey to you sincere greetings from Kim Jong-un," said the Korean politician.

    At the meeting, Putin mentioned the summit between the leader of North Korea and U.S. President Donald Trump, saying that this meeting staved off the …

  • During his visit to North Korea Russian Foreign Minister gives Kim Jong Un a box to ‘lock secret things inside’

    After the talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov presented the North Korean leader with a box with a Palekh lacquer miniature. Video of the meeting was published by the Russian Foreign Ministerry on the YouTube .

    "I hope you will like it," Lavrov said at the while giving the gift. Then the Russian Foreign Minister opened the box, took out the key and added that it is possible to "lock secret things [inside]". 

    Kim Jong Un thanked Lavrov with a handshake. …

  • Media: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un plans to visit Russia

    After his first official visit to China, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is likely to travel to Russia, as reported by the South Korean and Japanese media. Moscow, however, has called such considerations baseless rumors.

    From March 25 to March 28, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his wife visited China, where they met with the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, in Beijing. Following the talks, both sides announced their intention to develop bilateral relations and …

  • Russian oppositionist: Putin’s statements increasingly resemble the speeches of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stories about the latest types of Russian strategic weaponry are similar to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un’s attempts to safeguard his power by launching ballistic missiles. Such was the opinion expressed by Russian oppositionist and former State Duma MP Gennady Gudkov in an interview with InfoResist.

    According to the former MP, Russia cannot threaten the world with nuclear weaponry now.

    “More and more, this resembles the attempts of the North Korean …

  • Putin says that Kim Jong Un is winner of the match

    During a meeting with representatives of the Russian media broadcast on the Russia 24 TV channel, President Vladimir Putin said that the leader of North Korea emerged victorious in the current stage of the conflict involving the Korean peninsula, having developed a nuclear warhead and a ballistic missile for North Korea.  

    “Mr. Kim Jong Un, of course, won this round. He solved his strategic task: he has a nuclear warhead and a global-range missile which has a range of up to 13,000 km, which …