Contents tagged with Kinzhal

  • Defense Minister Shoygu wants to increase procurement of hypersonic weapons for Russian Army

    Russia is currently working on prcurement of hypersonic weapons for its Armed Forces, said the Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoygu at a meeting at the space and rocket company “Military Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroenia”, located in Reutov near Moscow, TASS reports.

    "Using the estimates of the General Staff, we have begun work together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, on procurement of hypersonic and high-precision long-range weapons," Shoygu said.

    According to Shoygu, in …

  • Putin promises to ‘pleasantly surprise’ countries which have hypersonic weapons

    Russia will be ready when other countries have hypersonic weapons, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with “The News of the Week” on Rossiya 1 TV channel.

    "They will have these weapons. But I think that we will be able to pleasantly surprise our partners because when they have these weapons, it is very likely that we will have a means to counter them," Putin said.

    No one can shoot down hypersonic missiles, as "the speeds are such that it is impossible to take them down," he …

  • Russia tests new hypersonic missile

    Russia has tested a new hypersonic air missile from a Tu-22M3 bomber, reports TASS, citing a source in the Russian defense industry.

    "Recently, tests of a new hypersonic missile have been carried out from the Tu-22M3," the source said.

    According to him, the missile is being developed for the upgraded version of the Tu-22M3M aircraft. He added that work on the new munition began several years ago. The missile tests are to be completed along with work on the upgraded Tu-22M3M bomber.

    The …

  • Russia starts developing defenses against hypersonic missiles

    The Russian Defense Ministry has decided to develop a new multipurpose long-range interception missile system which will even be capable of intercepting hypersonic weapons, Izvestia reports, citing sources in the ministry.

    The news agency writes that, at the military department’s request, theoretical work has already been done on a super long-range air-to-air missile with a splitting warhead, and work is currently underway to determine the characteristics and composition of the prospective …

  • Russia wants to arm Tu-160 bombers with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles

    Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers can be equipped with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, the modifications should take until the end of 2020, a source in Russia’s defense industry told TASS.

    The source did not specify exactly which model of the bomber – the Tu-160 or Tu-160M – would be modified to carry Kinzhals.

    There has been no official confirmation of this information.

    The Kinzhal was presented to the public for the first time during Vladimir Putin’s state-of-the-nation address in March 2018. …