Contents tagged with LPR

  • Ukraine: Russia already prepared the outcome of forthcoming elections in LPR and DPR

    Chairperson of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Hrytsak stated at a press briefing that the Ukrainian Security Service of Ukraine has the information that Russia already prepared the results of the so-called elections to be held on November 11 in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions controlled by pro-Russian militants.

     “Based on the data we have, Russia has faked 55% for Pushilin in DPR and 63% for Pasechnik in LPR. The “turnout” is going to be 70%," he said.

    Earlier, Oleksandr Turchynov,  …

  • US advises residents of LPR and DPR to boycott elections in Donbas

    The US embassy in Ukraine advises residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk territories which are not under Ukraine’s control to boycott “illegal” elections, that will be held on November 11th.

    “While Ukraine is taking positive steps to foster peace, Russia is worsening the conflict by organizing sham “elections.” Residents of eastern Ukraine should boycott these “elections” that do not follow the Minsk agreements or Ukrainian legislation,” the Embassy wrote on Facebook.

    Pro-Russian authorities of …

  • Herashchenko: Russia announced its recognition of 'pseudo-elections' in Donbas

    Representative of Ukraine in the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) on the issues of the Donbas Iryna Herashchenko stated that Moscow officially announced its intention to recognize the results of the so-called “elections” in the territories of the Donbas which are not under Ukraine's control during the meetings of the working groups and the Trilateral Contact Group.

    “The Ukrainian side  states: the Russian Federation, which launched the pseudo-elections in the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk, “ …

  • UN Security Council refuses to hear DPR and LPR representatives

    On Tuesday, October 30, the members of the UN Security Council rejected the proposal of the Russian Federation to invite representatives of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic to participate in the meeting of the Security Council, the news service of the UN stated on Twitter.

    They made their decision during the meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine in New York. Russia’s proposal on the LPR/DPR representatives was not supported.

    Before the meeting, the eight …

  • LPR threatens to shoot down Ukrainian aicraft near the contact line in Donbas

    A representative of the Defense Department of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko said that LPR militants would shoot down Ukrainian military aircraft if Ukrainian Armed Forces use them near the contact line in the Donbas, reports  Luginform news outlet.

    “The use of combat aircraft is a gross violation of the agreements reached in Minsk,” he said. According to Marochko, Luhansk has the right to shoot down air targets, which fly into the 30- …

  • Ukraine tells Russia to call off elections in LPR and DPR

    Ukraine has demanded that the Kremlin immediately call off the preparations for the so-called elections in the Donbas, Verkhovna Rada First Deputy Chairwoman Iryna Herashchenko wrote on Facebook.

    A session of the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) was held on October 17, at which Ukraine was represented by presidential adviser Ruslan Demchenko.

    “Today the Ukrainian party firmly demanded that Russia and the Kremlin’s puppets immediately call off the preparations for the fake, worthless "elections" …

  • DPR and LPR agree to remove customs borders

    RIA Novosti reports that the customs borders between the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics will soon be removed. Leonid Pasechnik, Acting Head of the LPR agreed to this with the Acting Head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin during the former’s working visit to Luhansk on October 3.

    “Denis Vladimirovich and I had a very detailed conversation, discussed every current issue: cooperation in the field of economics, politics, social and economic relations, the removal of customs borders …

  • Ukraine: Russia spends over one billion per year to support DPR and LPR

    The so-called Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic cost Moscow over a billion dollars a year in support, stated the Minister for Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, Vadym Chernysh.

    "It’s like some troupe that travels around and just demonstrates that ‘we will not leave you alone.’ A humanitarian train from Russia comes to the DPR and LPR every month. However, according to our estimates, that isn’t all of it because we do not see the part that …

  • DPR prepares to hold large-scale exercises in Donbas

    Pro-Russian militants in the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) announced preparations for “command post training exercises” in the Donetsk region. The “exercises” will start on Tuesday, September 11, involving more than three hundred units of military equipment and four thousand troops.

    “The command post training exercises on terrain are planned to be held starting September 11, 2018 on the Republic’s military training ranges,” reports DAN news, citing Deputy Operational Commander of …

  • LPR ready to hand over 44 prisoners to Ukraine

    Prisoners from the Sukhodolsky penal colony in the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) who were convicted before 2014 have expressed the desire to be transferred to Kyiv’s territory to serve the remainder of their sentences.

    The prisoners made this known when they were visited by Toni Frisch, coordinator of the OSCE’s Humanitarian Working Group, separatist media outlets report. Roman Vedmedenko, head of the LPR’s interdepartmental commission for transmission of persons convicted prior to …