Contents tagged with LPR

  • Authorities of separatist LPR called Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘Ukrainian agents’

    Alexander Basov, the so-called Minister of State Security of the Luhansk People’s Republic stated that members of the religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses who are in the uncontrolled areas of Luhansk region are really agents of the Security Service of Ukraine.

    The LPR officials claim that the religious organization was "an active agent of the Security Service's influence in the LPR." According to separatist authorities, searches conducted on the premises belonging to the Jehovah's …

  • Two local MPs killed in separatist-held Luhansk

    "In the Kamennobrodsky district of the city of Luhansk, on the evening of August 27, on a private housing construction site, there was a killing of two persons who were deputies of the People's Council of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic)," reported LPR media, citing the representative of Prosecutor General’s Office, Grigory Tsevenko. The circumstances of the murder have not been reported.

    The separatist website LuganskInformCenter reported that Anatoly Krivonosov and Inna Kuznetsova were …

  • Russia exported $264 million worth of food and agriculture products to separatist-held territories of Ukraine

    Despite sanctions, Russia exports significant amounts of meat to Ukraine, LIGA news website writes. For example, the "State Unitary Company" established in 2015 by the separatist LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic) is listed as a Ukrainian legal entity according to Russian documents, although there is no company with this name in the register of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice.

    In Russia, all operations with companies registered in Donetsk and Luhansk have the status of official export or import …

  • Russia to allow indefinite stay for residents of separatist-held territories of Ukraine

    Russia has removed the restrictions on the length of time which citizens of the separatist-held territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces are permitted to spend in Russia, the press service of the Russian MP Konstantin Zatulin announced.

    Zatulin said that as a result of persistent requests, a special instruction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been distributed to the Russian migration authorities.

    “An additional instruction has been circulated not to extend migration records …

  • Kyiv: 18 people on Ukrainian prisoner-exchange list refuse to return to separatist republics

    18 people included in the lists for the exchange of prisoners are categorically against being transferred to a territory beyond Ukraine's control, as stated by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Valeriya Lutkovska, UNIAN reports.

    Lutkovska said that the exchange of prisoners within the framework of the Minsk process is now at the stage of clarifying the lists. She noted that 18 people who were included in the exchange lists "categorically refuse to be transferred to the …

  • Ukraine threatens Belarus with sanctions over export of goods to separatist-held territories of Donbas

    According to Ukrainian Ambassador to Belarus Igor Kizim, Belarusian companies supplying products to the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) and LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic) will be sanctioned.

    Belorusskie Novosti newspaper’s correspondent asked Kizim about the position of Ukrainian authorities regarding the deliveries of Belarusian products to the uncontrolled territories, while noting that Belarusian producers "sometimes do not hide that they directly work with Donetsk and Luhansk or supply …

  • Pro-Russian separatist added Russian soldier captured by Ukrainian Army in Donbas to prisoner-exchange list

    During a skype conference with the Minsk humanitarian subgroup, the DPR and LPR (officially - separate regions of Donetsk and Luhansk regions - ORDLO) demanded the release of the captured Russian military officer, Ageyev, as part of the prisoner exchange program. The DPR and LPR consider Ageyev to be a "soldier," as stated by the representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup of the Tripartite Contact Group, Iryna Herashchenko, on her Facebook page.

    "Ukraine's position here is …

  • Security Service of Ukraine reported that the separatists released two Ukrainian prisoners

    Vitaliy Rudenko, acting judge of the Luhansk Court of Appeals, was released from captivity by separatists, announced the press service of the Security Service of Ukrain. According to the SBU, Rudenko was returned to Ukrainian-controlled territory the day before with the assistance of the Patriot volunteer group.

    "For nine months he was illegally detained and subjected to torture by the LPR (Lunahsk People’s Republic) MGB. The leadership of the SBU informed the President of Ukraine about the …

  • Security Service of Ukraine detains separatist military official

    For years the counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has been monitoring Sergey Semenchenko, leader of the missile and artillery weaponry service of one of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic) battalions. A citizen of Ukraine and resident of Luhansk, Semenchenko was involved in the distribution of ammunition for nearly two years, but later left the separatist-controlled territory for family reasons. According to TSN TV program, he is already in a pre-trial detention center …

  • Kyiv: Separatist republics owe Ukraine $96 million for electricity

    The separatist-held territories of the Donbas owe about 2.5 billion hryvnia ($96.3 million) to Ukraine for electricity supplied since March 2015, as stated by the Acting Director of Ukrenergo, Vsevolod Kovalchuk, in his commentary on Espreso TV.

    He noted that separate accounting records for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions were only introduced in May 2015.

    "If we are talking about the debt that is guaranteed to be confirmed as of the introduction of separate accounting, it amounts to about 2.5 …