Contents tagged with LPR

  • Kyiv: Ukraine develops strategy of transitional justice in LPR and DPR

    Ukraine is developing a special mechanism for transitional justice in certain areas of the Donbas, stated the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, the first deputy head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group Oleksii Reznikov.

    He noted that transitional measures are meant to restore justice and violated human rights and bring to justice those who committed crimes.

    "For the future, we are working on the possibility of creating a special regime that will provide a special model …

  • Gazprom classifies gas supplies to DPR and LPR

    Gazprom has stopped disclosing the volume of gas supplies to the the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

    At the end of the first quarter, the company’s reported zero gas supplies to Ukraine, which, for more than 5 years, has been used to reflect supplies to LPR and DPR.

    Gazprom's previous position was that the republics are part of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian national gas corporation Naftogaz should pay for these supplies. Moscow officially called 12 billion cubic meters …

  • Kyiv admits killing LPR military commander responsible for downing Ukrainian Il-76 plane over Luhansk

    Ukrainian Interior Ministry spokesman Artem Shevchenko, speaking on the occasion of the anniversary of the crash of the Ukrainian military aircraft Il-76, which was shot down by militants on June 14, 2014, said that Ukraine carried out a special operation in revenge for this large-scale tragedy.

    "Today, many people recalled in mourning the tragic deaths in the downed transporter Il-76 near Luhansk airport. 49 of our soldiers: 9 crew members and 40 paratroopers of the 25th brigade ... So, the …

  • Kremlin plans to issue Russian passports to 800,000 Donbas residents by the end of the year

    The Kremlin plans to issue Russian passports to 600 to 800,000 residents of the territories of Donbass outside of Ukraine's control by the end of the year, stated the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee for CIS Affairs Viktor Vodolatsky in an interview with TASS.

    He said that more than 180,000 residents of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics have already received Russian citizenship under the simplified procedure, and about 100,000 more will receive …

  • Ukraine calls for establishing security zone on both sides of Russian border in Donbas

    Ukraine calls for the creation of a security zone in the border areas with Russia with monitoring and verification by the OSCE. Kyiv also proposes to create a working subgroup in the Trilateral Contact Group on border issues, stated Ukraine's Deputy Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Igor Lossovsky during an online meeting of the OSCE Security Cooperation Forum, Ukrinform reports.

    According to him, the restoration of control over the border remains a key element …

  • Kyiv: Russia has exported $4.7 billion worth of coal from Donbas

    Since the beginning of the military conflict in the Donbas, about 68 million tons of coal of various grades were exported from the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions which are not under Ukraine’s control, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, citing data from the Eastern Human Rights Group.

    It is emphasized that during this period almost 68 million tons of coal of various brands worth approximately 4.7 billion U.S. …

  • Kyiv: DPR and LPR leaders with Russian citizenship will not be able to take part in Donbas elections

    All the leaders of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics have received Russian citizenship, which means that under Ukrainian law they will not be able to participate in the elections if they are held in October, deputy prime minister for the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories Oleksii Reznikov said on the talk show " Savik Shuster’s Freedom of Speech"

    According to him, Russia is no longer hiding and confirmed on their TV channels that about 200,000 Ukrainian …

  • Ukraine argues that LPR and DPR representatives at Donbas talks have Russian passports

    On Thursday, May 21, during a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, the Ukrainian delegation showed copies of the Russian passports of the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, and representatives of the Donbas uncontrolled territories which were invited by Russia to participate in the Trilateral Contact Group on the resolution of conflict in the Donbas, stated the Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the international organizations in Vienna, Yevhen Tsymbalyuk.

    " …

  • DPR and LPR threaten Ukraine with escalating hostilities in Donbas

    The heads of the so-called Donets and Luhansk People’s Republic said that they had increased the combat readiness of their troops.

    The leader of LPR Leonid Pasechnik said that on May 16, the shelling damaged the power line, "which was feeding critical infrastructure facilities." He threatened that if the shelling continued, the militants would try to "move the line of contact away from that power line."

    "I have already given appropriate instructions to put the units of the People's Militia on …

  • Girkin: Ukrainian Army can capture Donbas in one week

    Former Defense Minister of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic Igor Girkin (Strelkov) said that the Russian authorities "manage" the militias in the Donbas.

    "DPR is a gray area that is completely controlled from the outside. And it is managed disgustingly by people with disgusting moral and business qualities. It’s managed from the outside, from the Russian Federation," he told Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon in an interview.

    At the same time, according to Strelkov, the Russian …