Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Moldovan Constitutional Court rules to return to direct presidential elections

    The Constitutional Court of Moldova reversed a 16-year-old amendment to the constitution that allowed lawmakers to select the head of state. Following the court’s decision on Friday, Moldovans will now be able to choose their leader through direct presidential elections.

    "We think that that the president of the republic is to be elected by the nation," Court President Alexandru Tanase said on March 4th, as reported by TASS.

    The court made its decision in response to a complaint filed by …

  • Romania to help Moldova develop Romanian-language media to counter Russian propaganda

    Romania intends to help Moldova develop Romanian language media outlets to counter the efforts of the Russian media in the country, as discussed during a session of the newly created Advisory Board for Media in Romania-Moldova, the Stiripesurse weekly reports.

    "It is time to support Moldova on the path towards accepting European values by developing joint media outlets. The Advisory Board should move in this direction. It’s our common response to the real needs: we should break down the …

  • Moldovan Defense Ministry: Russia is the main threat to our national security

    According to the Newsmaker news portal, the Minister of Defense of Moldova, Anatol Salaru, has said that Russia is the main threat to the security of Moldova.

    In his opinion, the strengthening of the position of Russia in Moldova would jeopardize the security of Ukraine and even Turkey.

    Salaru also believes that only NATO is capable of protecting the country from Russia.  This is why he wants Moldova to become a member of the Alliance.

    “The safety of the Republic of Moldova is a part of the …

  • Moldova Sentences Mercenaries who Fought on the Side of Pro-Russian Separatists in Eastern Ukraine

    At the beginning of the year ten mercenaries were arrested in Moldova who fought on the side of the Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.  Two of them have already been sentenced to three years of imprisonment, as announced by the Acting Prosecutor General of Moldova, Igor Popa, Radio Liberty reported.

    Popa noted that the investigation against eight other suspects continues.  They are all between 26 and 32-years-old and all of them are Russian speaking natives from the south of …

  • Moldovan Opposition Delivers Ultimatum to Authorities in Chisinau

    Representatives of the Moldovan opposition delivered an ultimatum to the authorities in Chisinau. RIA Novosti reported that the group threatened to block routes of international and national importance if their demands are not met by Thursday, January 28th. A major protest rally was held in Chisinau on Sunday, January 24th.

    According to police, there are nearly 20,000 people taking part in the protest held in the central square of the capital of Moldova. Organizers stated that more than 100,000 …

  • Protesters Surround Parliament Building in Moldova

    In Moldova, supporters of the opposition parties gathered in protest at the Parliament building in Chisinau on January 20th after lawmakers voted to approve a new government headed by a new pro-European Prime Minister, Pavel Filip. According to some reports, protesters also attempted to break into the Parliament building.

    On Wednesday, the Moldovan Parliament approved a new pro-European government, ending a political crisis that lasted months. 57 out of 101 deputies voted for a government …

  • DaVinci AG: There Is a High Probability of a Coup In Moldova

    The analytical group DaVinci AG reported that there is a high probability that a coup d’état will be staged in the Republic of Moldova, initiated by pro-Russian forces under the coordination of security services of Russian Federation.

    “Destabilization of the situation in Moldova could escalate into a regional hotbed of tension that would include part of Odessa region. An attempt to destabilize the situation in Romania on ethnic grounds is also possible. The scenario of force in the Republic …

  • Moscow: Kiev is aggravating the situation in Transnistria

    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Grigory Karasin, expressed Moscow’s concern over the lack of progress in the negotiations on the Transnistrian issue, stating that the Ukrainian position has a negative impact on the situation in the region.

    "The change of Kiev's position on the Transnistrian issue supports the delay of an appointment of a new Ukrainian representative in the "5 + 2" negotiation that was supposed to happen in May of 2015. We are concerned about the …

  • Moldovan President demands withdrawal of Russian troops from Transdniestria

    On December 12th, at an international conference entitled “The Policy of Neutrality: International Cooperation for the Sake of Peace, Security and Development” in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, the President of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, emphasized the need for a full withdrawal of Russian troops from Transdniestria.

    “We repeat the need for a completion of the withdrawal of Russian troops and ammunition from the territory of our country,” Timofti stated. Additionally, the Moldovan President has …