Contents tagged with Mongolia

  • Ukraine condemns Mongolia's decision to refuse arrest of Putin during visit

    In a recent development, Ukraine has issued a diplomatic protest to Mongolia after Ulan Bator declined to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to the country, despite an existing warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The decision made by Mongolia, which recognizes the ICC's jurisdiction, has caused significant disappointment in Kyiv and will influence future Ukrainian-Mongolian policy relations.

    Ukraine's foreign ministry indicated that Ulan …

  • Mongolia cites energy dependency and neutrality for not detaining Putin under ICC warrant

    The Mongolian government has justified its decision not to detain Russian President Vladimir Putin under the International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant by pointing to the country's energy dependency and its policy of neutrality, reported Politico, citing a government spokesperson in Ulaanbaatar.

    Addressing the issue, the official declared that 95% of Mongolia's petroleum products and more than 20% of its electricity are imported from neighboring countries. "These supplies are crucial for our …

  • Kremlin dismisses concerns over Putin’s potential arrest in Mongolia amid ICC warrant

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that there are no concerns regarding Vladimir Putin's trip to Mongolia, which acknowledges the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). "No, no concerns," Peskov said on Friday, August 30, when asked by reporters if the Kremlin is worried about Putin's upcoming visit.

    Peskov emphasized that the Kremlin has a "wonderful dialogue with our friends in Mongolia." When questioned about any negotiations with Mongolian authorities regarding the ICC …

  • Mongolia rejects 'Power of Siberia-2' gas pipeline, deals major blow to Russia's energy ambitions

    In a significant setback for Moscow, Mongolia has definitively rejected the proposal to build the "Power of Siberia-2" gas pipeline. The Chinese newspaper South China Morning Post has reported that Mongolia has officially excluded the pipeline from its long-term plans extending up to 2028.

    Experts interpret Mongolia’s decision as the final rejection of the contentious project, which was seen as a financial lifeline for a Russia grappling with sanctions. Losing access to the European gas market …

  • Putin promises Mongolia hundreds of millions in investments and free weapons

    Russia-Mongolia relations have reached a new level of comprehensive strategic partnership, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of an official visit to Ulaanbaatar.

    After talks with Mongolian President Khaltmaagiin Battulga and Gombojavyn Zandanshatar, Chairperson of the State Great Khural, Putin commented on the longstanding tradition of friendship and mutual profit, thanked Mongolia for helping to defeat fascism, and remarked that Moscow and Ulaanbaatar are in agreement on “most …

  • Mongolia wants to host the meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-un

    The meeting of the DPRK leader Kim Jong-un and the president of the United States Donald Trump could take place in Mongolia. The Mongolian Foreign Minister Damdin Tsogtbaatar announced that the country is open to hosting the summit.

    "We are open. Mongolia’s main goal is to facilitate the continuation of the dialogue,” said the minister, as quoted by RIA Novosti. According to Tsogtbaatar, Mongolian authorities also invited the DPRK leader to visit the country on an official visit as this year …

  • Russia to conduct joint military exercises with China and Mongolia

    Russia and China, along with Mongolia, are planning to hold large-scale military exercises, including simulating a nuclear attack, reports Voice of America, citing high-ranking US officials.

    To participate in the exercises “Vostok-18”, China will send to Russia more than 3,200 troops and 900 units of military equipment, as well as 30 aircraft, reported the Chinese Defense Department.

    Mongolia will take part in these exercises for the first time. Mongolia has recently sought relations with the …

  • Russia extends Mongolia a 100 billion ruble loan

    Representatives of Russia and Mongolia held talks on economic cooperation.

    According to the head of the Mongolian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tsendiyn Munkh-Orgil, the Russian side promised to provide the country a preferential short term loan in the amount of 100 billion rubles.

    “The Mongolian side adheres to the position of the joint implementation of major infrastructure, energy projects, as well as for the Ulan Bator Railway from the preferential credit of the Russian Federation,” said …

  • Russia Writes Off $170 Million Mongolian Debt

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the ratification of an intergovernmental agreement on the 31st of January, allowing Russia to write off 97.8 % of Mongolia's debt ($170 million).

    “To ratify the agreement between the Russian and Mongolian Governments regarding the settlement of the financial liabilities of Mongolia to the Russian Federation, signed in Moscow on the 14th of December 2010,” reads the text of the law, which was published on an official government website. The law was …