Contents tagged with NATO

  • Ukraine and NATO change plan of Sea Breeze military exercises because of Russia

    The plan of joint Sea Breeze—2019 exercises with participation of Ukraine, the USA, and NATO countries was changed due to Russia's actions in the Black Sea, reads the message of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

    The commander of the Ukrainian Navy Ihor Voronchenko said that the area of the maneuvers was changed due to the "attempts of Northern neighbor to confuse us with the sudden closure of the navigation area." "We took this as an additional challenge and are ready to counteract …

  • Kyiv: NATO military forces arrived in Odessa to participate in Sea Breeze 2019 exercises

    Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reported about the arrival of additional units of the North Atlantic Alliance in Odessa to participate in the Sea Breeze 2019 exercises. The first units arrived in Odessa on the American C-130J Hercules, and the UK special marine forces arrived on British A400 Atlas jet aircraft, reports the press service of the Ukrainian military department.

    The exercises Sea Breeze were initially conducted as part of the Partnership for Peace program. Since the 2000s, they were …

  • Israel blames Russia for GPS failure over Ben Gurion Airport

    Russia’s actions are responsible for the radio interference in the sky over Israel, claimed a journalist specializing in air safety in an interview on Israel’s army radio station, Galei Tsahal.

    A senior Israeli official has already met with US representatives in Europe to discuss the radio interference in the airspace over the Jewish state.

    When asked by the presenter whether the developments should be considered cyberwarfare, the journalist said: “The interference can be called an attack …

  • NATO states agree to respond if Russia abandons missile treaty

    “NATO will continue to urge Russia to return to full and verifiable compliance with the INF Treaty,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after a recent alliance meeting. “But we must also prepare for a situation without the INF, and today the defense ministers of alliance countries have agreed that NATO will respond if Russia does not return to compliance,” he continued.

    According to the secretary general, the member countries have agreed to maintain a “considered and defensive …

  • NATO strengthens cooperation with Ukraine's military intelligence

    The intelligence structures of NATO member countries are intensifying cooperation with the Military Intelligence of Ukraine, reports the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

    The decision to increase cooperation was made on during the official visit of the Chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine Vasyl Burba to the Baltic countries.

    During the conversations, Colonel-General Burba released additional evidence of Russia's military activity in the territories  of …

  • Warsaw: US military will be stationed in Poland to contain threat from Russia

    Polish Minister of Defense Mariusz Blaschak said the US troops will be stationed at six military bases in the East of the country, reports Polskie Radio.

    According to him, NATO forces are ready to contain a possible military threat, mainly from Russia.

    Blaschak said that Warsaw and Washington will decide on the exact location of US troops in a separate agreement.

    Last week, the presidents of the United States and Poland agreed to transfer thousands of American soldiers and a squad of …

  • Erdogan: Russian S-400 air defense systems to start arriving early July

    Russia will begin to ship the S-400 anti-air missile systems to Turkey in the first half of July, Turkish President Recep Erdogan told reporters.

    “We have discussed the topic of the S-400s with Russia, and it’s a done deal. We don’t see any problems. I think that the shipments will start in the first half of July,” said the Turkish president, as cited by TASS.

    Erdogan emphasized once again that Turkey does not plan to call off the deal.

    “In the context of the loan, Russia has granted us …

  • French Air Force to begin air patrols over Baltic in 2020

    Chief of Staff of the French Air Force Philippe Lavigne in an interview with an American magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology said that the French Air Force will begin air patrols over the Baltic countries next year.

    "As a part of NATO's plan to assure [our allies] of the support, we plan to help with a task of patrolling the Baltic region in 2020. We plan to deploy Mirage fighter jets in Estonia, as well as to conduct flights of aircraft of distant radar-tracking detection and management, …

  • Poland begins largest military drills of the year

    Poland has started the Dragon-19 military exercises in collaboration with 18 thousand soldiers from 12 NATO countries using 2.5 thousand units of military equipment.

    These are the largest military drills to take place in Poland this year, as reported by Polish Radio.

    The drills are being held on land, at sea, in the air and in cyberspace. Their main goal is to check if the Polish units are compatible with those of the allied forces, which were deployed to Poland to strengthen NATO’s eastern …

  • US to send drone squadron and 1,000 troops to Poland

    The US intends to transfer additional military forces to Poland, where it already has 4,500 of its troops stationed, announced US President Donald Trump after a meeting with his Polish colleague President Andrzej Duda.

    As part of the declaration to expand military cooperation signed by Trump and Duda on Thursday in Warsaw, a contingent of an additional 1,000 US troops will be sent to Poland, as well as a squadron of reconnaissance drones.

    A new military airfield will also be built “for …