Contents tagged with NATO

  • NATO is concerned by Russia's deployment of weapons to the Kaliningrad region

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is concerned about Russia’s deployment of modern weapons in the Kaliningrad region. In particular, the concern of NATO member States is triggered by the dominance of the Russian Air Force in the airspace of the Baltic countries and the fact that the European capitals would be in range of Russian missiles in the event of a conflict, as stated by the Deputy Commander of the NATO airbase in Geilenkirchen, Ian Tickle, in an interview with the Associated Press. …

  • Putin: NATO is seeking confrontation with Russia

    Speaking at the board meeting of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, stated that Western countries are constantly trying to drag and provoke Russia into confrontation, as reported by Russia’s Interfax news agency.

    Putin pointed out that in July 2016 at NATO Summit in Warsaw, for the first time since 1989, Russia was recognized as a main threat to security of NATO and the deterrence of the Russian Federation has become a new mission of …

  • US military arrives in Bulgaria for joint exercises

    The deployment of a US military division to the “Novo Selo” training ground in Bulgaria has begun in the as part of strengthening NATO's eastern flank, the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense reported.

    “The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team from Fort Carson, USA, was housed at the Novo Selo training field,” a statement said. A total of 120 American service members arrived as part of the combat team.

    The press office also reported that 15 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, two M-113 fully tracked …

  • Stoltenberg announced NATO’s intention to support allies in the Black Sea

    NATO is going to reinforce its defense and "support allies" in the Black Sea as stated by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in a telephone conversation with the Foreign Minister of Romania, Teodor Meleșcanu, as reported by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    "Romania has expressed a strong commitment to deepening transatlantic relations and implementing all obligations concerning the allocation of resources necessary to the line of defense," the message says.

    It also indicated …

  • Warships from four NATO countries will carry out air defense exercises during Black Sea drills

    On the 13th of February, warships from Canada, Spain, Romania, and Bulgaria will practice air defense maneuvers and responses to simulated enemy attacks, the press service of the Bulgarian Defense Ministry reported.

    “Tactical maneuvering, air defense, responses to different surface attacks, helicopter cargo deliveries, and other maneuvers will be practiced during these PASSEX-type exercises (passing exercise). These exercises will take place on the 13th of February in the Black Sea,” the …

  • NATO accuses Russia of publishing fake news about the Alliance

    NATO accused Russia of strengthening its disinformation campaign after the annexation of the Crimea in March 2014, Deutsche Welle reported.

    According to NATO’s data, the Russian media companies Sputnik and Russia Today (RT) have repeatedly published fake material.

    "NATO has been dealing with a significant increase in Russian propaganda and disinformation since Russia's illegal annexation of the Crimea in 2014," the spokesperson of the Alliance, Oana Lungescu, told Reuters on Saturday, …

  • Ten U.S. tanks were deployed to Lithuania

    On Friday morning, ten American tanks were deployed to Lithuania within the framework of  American obligations to NATO’s collective defense, Delfi news agency reports.

    "The equipment is already at the railway station in Gaižiūnai. Unloading operations will begin shortly," Loreta Kavaliauskiene, spokeswoman for the Duke Vaidotas Mechanized Infantry Battalion stated.

    It’s not the first time that the U.S. brings tanks for exercises, but this time there will be more tanks than ever before since …

  • U.S. heavy military equipment arrived in Estonia

    Heavy military equipment arrived in Estonia, designated for the company of U.S. infantrymen who came to the country on Friday, February 3, the press service of 1st Infantry Brigade of Estonian Defense Forces reported.

    The company of infantrymen from the 69th Armored Regiment will replace the company of airborne paratroopers from the 173rd Brigade of the United States Army. Abrams tanks and Bradley armored infantry fighting vehicles accompanied the arriving soldiers.

    The Brigade will stay …

  • Trump and Stoltenberg discussed the conflict in Ukraine

    U.S. President Donald Trump and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discussed options for a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine during a telephone conversation on February 5, the White House says.

    "The parties discussed the potential for a peaceful resolution of the conflict along the Ukrainian border," according to their press statement, which also asserted that the U.S. President expressed his support for the alliance.

    "The President spoke with the Secretary General about U.S. …

  • NATO denies that negotiations with Kyiv are postponed

    NATO denies that the planned negotiations with Kyiv have been postponed, as announced on Radio Liberty, on February 2nd, by a spokesman of the alliance who wished to remain anonymous.

    "There is no meeting with any country that was canceled. We will continue to exchange information, to consult and cooperate with our neighbors and partners as the need arises, on a gradual and phased approach. NATO recognizes and respects the interests of other countries regarding the NATO missile defense systems. …