Contents tagged with NATO

  • Obama calls on NATO to increase its support for Ukraine

    In an article written for the Financial Times, US President Barack Obama called on NATO and the EU to increase support for Ukraine and to be consistent in confronting Russian aggression.

    “We need to bolster the defense of our allies in central and eastern Europe, strengthen deterrence and boost our resilience against new threats, including cyber-attacks. We need to deepen security co-operation between NATO and the EU and increase our support for Ukraine as it defends its sovereignty and …

  • Lithuanian President: Russia has to be deterred with military force

    The threats to the international security haven’t diminished, and that is why, according to Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, NATO has to move from partial security measures to creating a real military deterrence, as reported by the Latvian Delfi news portal.

    “Unfortunately, after the meeting in Wales there haven’t been fewer threats. That is why the time has come to move from partial security measures to creating a real military deterrence. We expect that finally concrete security …

  • Survey: 78 percents of Ukrainians support joining NATO

    A hypothetical referendum on NATO membership for Ukraine shows that almost 78% of Ukrainians support membership in the Alliance.

    This information was obtained from a survey conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiative Foundation and the Razumkov Centre Sociological Service in May.

    Among those who declared their willingness to participate in the hypothetical referendum in May 2016, 77.7% of respondents would support NATO membership, 17.4% would be against, the rest are undecided.

    The …

  • Experts: NATO needs to deepen cooperation with Ukraine

    American Heritage Foundation experts called on the leadership of NATO to deepen cooperation with Ukraine.

    “The upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw represents an opportunity to provide a real and substantial support for Ukraine,” Luke Coffey and Daniel Kochis of the Heritage Foundation wrote.

    According to experts, the fact that Ukraine will not become a NATO member in the near future shouldn't mean the isolation of the country.

    “It's in the interests of NATO to help Ukraine to withstand Russian …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO's practical cooperation with Russia is still pending

    The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, announced the issues that will be discussed during the Russia-NATO Council meeting that will take place in Brussels on the 13th of July. The meeting, which will be held for the second time since 2014, will be devoted to the discussion of the crisis in and around Ukraine and the need for full implementation of the Minsk Agreements.

    “We will also consider military activity, putting special focus on …

  • NATO fighters were scrambled to intercept two Russian aircraft near Latvia

    NATO fighter jets patrolling Baltic State airspace identified and intercepted two Russian military aircraft, the Latvian Armed Forces reported on Twitter. “On the 5th of July, fighter jets serving in the Alliance’s air policing mission identified AN-26 and TU-134 aircraft belonging to the Russian Federation over the Baltic Sea near Latvian borders,” the report said.

    Russian warships and military aircraft have been increasingly spotted near the air and sea borders of the Baltic States since the …

  • NATO to discuss the situation in Ukraine with Russia

    The meeting of the NATO-Russia Council will be held on July 13th in Brussels at the NATO headquarters, reads a statement issued on Wednesday on behalf of the NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg. "The meeting will take place on 13 July at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, shortly after the NATO Summit in Warsaw," as mentioned in the document.

    "Our discussions will focus on the crisis in and around Ukraine and the need to fully implement the Minsk Agreements. We will also look at military …

  • A report on the threat of Russian propaganda will be presented in the European Parliament in September

    In September, the European Parliament will present a report about threats from Russian propaganda aimed against countries of the European Union. The former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland and member of the European Parliament, Anna Fotyga, made the announcement during her interview with Ukrinform.

    “This report was prepared by my office; the discussion is ongoing within the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, of which I am a member. The vote on this document will take …

  • NATO jets escorted Russian aircraft three times last week

    NATO fighters, as part of the Alliance’s air patrol mission over the Baltic, intercepted Russian military aircraft on three occasions last week, according to the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense, Delfi reported.

    The aircraft that were intercepted included reconnaissance aircraft, Su-27 fighters, and a Tu-134 cargo plane, which were flying between Kaliningrad and the Russian mainland.

    The reconnaissance planes and Su-27 flew without providing flight plans and their transponders were turned off. …

  • NATO defense expenses will rise noticeably in 2016

    Due to the strained relations with Russia and the fight against international terrorism, the defense spending of most of the NATO member states will grow significantly in 2016. The headquarters of NATO in Brussels reported on Monday, July 4 that the general increase in military spending of all allied nations, with the exception of the US and Canada, will reach almost 3%.

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the picture of defense spending in NATO countries is mixed, as some of …