Contents tagged with NATO

  • Estonia suggests strengthening NATO's naval and air forces in the Baltics

    The Commander-in-Chief of the Estonian Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Riho Terras, is of the opinion that NATO’s decision to deploy one battalion of ground forces to Poland and one to the Baltic countries is insufficient and that more thought should be given to strengthening deterrent forces at sea and in the air, Postimees reported.Terras made this statement at the meeting with the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe of NATO Allied Command Operations, General Curtis Scaparrotti, that took …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO will show its commitment to Ukraine at forthcoming Summit

    The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Jens Stoltenberg, stated after a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Brussels that the Ukraine-NATO meeting within the Alliance's Summit in July in Warsaw should demonstrate the commitment of the Alliance to continue the provision of assistance to Ukraine.

    “We look forward to our meeting with the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko at the summit in Warsaw. This summit of heads of state and governments is a clear sign of …

  • Warsaw wants the NATO Intelligence Center to be built on Polish territory

    Poland wants the NATO Intelligence Center for the four battalions of the Alliance that will soon be deployed to Eastern Europe to be established on its territory, Radio Polsha reported.

    “The Center will be a place of rapid collection of information. This data will allow other NATO members to be aware of what is going on in the eastern flank,” the Polish Minister of National Defense, Antoni Macierewicz stated, stressing that Berlin also supports Warsaw on this issue.

    The final decision will be …

  • NATO: Russia continues to militarize the Crimea

    According to the results of a meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Commission, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Russia continues to support separatists in eastern Ukraine despite the warnings from NATO. He also noted that Russia continues the militarization of the illegally annexed Crimea, Radio Svoboda reports.

    "Russia continues to increase its military power in Crimea, which is part of Ukraine. This is a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine," Stoltenberg …

  • NATO is preparing to strengthen its presence in Romania

    NATO intends to strengthen its military presence in Romania. The Alliance’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, said this on the 14th of June while at a meeting in Brussels, which was attended by defense ministers of member countries. He stated that the Romanian Brigade will be strengthened by soldiers from other countries.

    According to Stoltenberg, the proposal to form this international team came from Romania. Its goal is to facilitate the activities of NATO “in connection with exercises …

  • Peskov: Russia will protect its interests and security if NATO deploys new battalions to Eastern Europe

    Russia will undertake necessary measures to protect its security if NATO deploys four new battalions in Eastern Europe. This was stated by Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov.

    TASS quoted Peskov as saying that "Our defense department and the appropriate services, of course, are properly tracking the changes in stationing of foreign military forces near our borders. They analyze all these movements and changes of the contingents and are definitely taking all the necessary …

  • NATO to help Ukraine reduce its dependence on Russian Defense Industry

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and the NATO Agency for Support and Logistics signed an agreement in Brussels establishing a process for the purchase and sale of military logistic equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to the mission of Ukraine to NATO.

    "The signing of this document will allow for the deepening of cooperation with NATO with the aim of diversifying the sources of logistic support for the Armed Forces and to decrease our country’s dependence on the Russian …

  • NATO calls on Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has called on Russia to withdraw its forces from eastern Ukraine

    “The Russian Federation must withdraw its troops and military equipment from the territory of Ukraine and stop providing support to pro-Kremlin separatist fighting against Kiev,” Stoltenberg said after a meeting of the Defense Ministers of NATO countries in Brussels.

    According to Stoltenberg the Alliance, under the leadership of the United States, will continue to support Kiev’s positions …

  • NATO Defense Ministers approve aid package for Ukraine

    The Defense Ministers of NATO member states have approved an aid package for Ukraine, which includes advice and assistance, Interfax-Ukraine reported following a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Brussels.

    "At the meeting, the ministers approved a comprehensive package of assistance to Ukraine. As part of this package, we will provide advice and assistance,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

    "It brings together different areas of support; advice, assistance, use of funds, in …

  • Poltorak: NATO supports Ukraine's plan to reform the Armed Forces

    After a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Brussels, Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said that the Alliance’s Defense Ministers support the Strategic Defense Bulletin of Ukraine, which is the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ roadmap to reform, Evropeyskaya Pravda reported.

    "We discussed the progress of reforms in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, as well as conducted a coordinated and integrated package of assistance from NATO to Ukraine. Ukraine has created a complete plan… the …