Contents tagged with Orban

  • US urges Hungary to behave ‘more responsibly’ in the conflict with Ukraine

    US President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will hold talks in the White House on May 13.

    According to the representative of the US President’s administration, the United States is concerned about the fact that Hungary is trying to bring the dispute with Ukraine to the international level. The US suggests Hungary resolve all issues directly with the authorities in Kyiv and "through diplomatic channels."

    The official also noted that Hungary should act "more responsibly" …

  • Media: Former Prime Minister of Macedonia fled to Hungary due to death threats

    Former Prime Minister of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski said that he fled to Hungary to avoid the two-year prison sentence in his home country after he received the threat that he would be killed in jail, reported Radio Liberty.

    In an interview with the Macedonian Sitel TV channel on February 2, Gruevski said that he initially intended to go to jail despite “the crazy judgments with no legal basis”.

    “But... I received information that someone was planning my assassination in prison,” the ex-prime …

  • The USA calls on Hungary to support Ukraine

    The United States urged Hungary to restore relations with Ukraine and not to try to block cooperation between Kyiv and NATO, stating “if Ukraine fails, Hungary will be at the front line of Russian aggression,” the Voice of America reported.

    US Ambassador in Budapest David Kornstein told the Parliament Committee that Hungary can do more for “establishing priority alliances” while Russia again poses a threat to Ukraine and Europe. “Now more than ever, Russia is testing the West,” Kornstein noted …

  • Hungary vows not to seize Ukraine's Zakarpattia region

    Hungary supports Ukraine on many levels, and does not intend to capture Ukraine’s Zakarpattia province, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó promised in an interview with Gazeta Prawna.

    According to the Hungarian diplomat, there is no revisionism in his country’s policy.

    “These are unreasonable and false insinuations… I repeat yet again – we are are not revisionists. I dismiss such explicit accusations,” he said.

    According to Szijjártó, Hungary supports Ukraine by providing loans for …

  • Russia to begin construction of two nuclear reactors in Hungary

    The Russian state corporation Rosatom will soon begin the construction of two new power units at the Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary, as announced on Tuesday by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

     “Rosatom will soon start the construction of two new power units at the Paks nuclear power plant,” said Putin after the talks with Orban.

    Putin stressed that the commissioning of additional capacity will allow doubling the …

  • Hungary and Russia agree on continuing gas supply after 2020

    Budapest and Moscow agreed on terms for gas supply after 2020, the year after the current contract expires, as stated on Tuesday, September 18th by the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at a press conference after the meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin noted that Moscow now covers 60 percent of Hungary’s need for gas.

    However, he did not rule out that after the construction of the “Turkish stream” gas pipeline along the bottom of the Black Sea, one of its land lines can go …

  • Hungary requests NATO review relations with Ukraine

    Yevropeiska Pravda reports that Hungary has submitted an official request to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg regarding an initiative to review support programs for Ukraine. This was confirmed by NATO headquarters.

    According to the information, a document entitled "Memorandum: Initiative for the Establishment of a New NATO Policy towards Ukraine" was approved at a solemn meeting of the renewed Hungarian government headed by Viktor Orban.

    The document was sent from Budapest to the NATO …

  • Hungary promised to block any sanctions that the EU may introduce against Poland

    On Saturday, July 22, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban expressed his country’s solidarity with the Polish government, reported Deutsche Welle. He stated that Hungary stood to support Poland “in the fight against the European Union,” which plans to introduce sanctions against Warsaw for judicial reform.

    "The inquisition against Poland will not succeed. Hungary will use all legitimate opportunities against the European Union to demonstrate its solidarity with Poland," the head of the …