Contents tagged with Orthodox Church

  • Moscow court sentences ex-FSB officers for bribery involving Catholic Church officials

    In a landmark ruling, the 235th Moscow Garrison Military Court has sentenced two ex-employees of FSB's Second Service, the unit responsible for Constitutional Order Protection, to nine years in a high-security penal colony for taking bribes from Roman Catholic Church representatives. According to Kommersant, Evgeny Lobanov and Denis Karmanov were found guilty of receiving bribes on a large scale (Article 290, Part 6).

    Karmanov was also convicted under charges related to illegal arms and …

  • Czech Senate calls for investigation into Russian Orthodox Church over potential influence operations

    The head of the Security Committee of the Czech Senate, Pavel Fischer, has called on the government to instruct security services to investigate the threat posed by the Russian Orthodox churches within the country. Fischer stated that these institutions could potentially be misused for Russian influence operations, reports ČTK.

    Additionally, Fischer emphasized that the Czech Minister of Culture, Martin Baxa, should examine whether the Russian Orthodox Church in the Czech Republic and the …

  • Orthodox Church of Ukraine fears for property and priests in Donetsk

    The Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine, the primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine or OCU is concerned about the total prohibition of OCU community activities and the deportation of priests from the territory of the Donetsk region that is not controlled by Ukraine. 

    “From March 1, 2019, there will be a threat of total prohibition of activities of the communities and clergy of our Church, full confiscation of communities' property and deportation from the territory controlled by …

  • Ukrainian authorities investigate disappearance of icons from Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

    Ukrainian law enforcement authorities are investigating the disappearance of icons from the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra which is being rented by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP), Interfax-Ukraine reports, citing Ukrainian Culture Minister Yevhen Nyshchuk.

    “A full inventory has already been partially done. We are now being sent full reports. There are some losses from the icons in the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra,” the Minister noted. “On the other hand, it shouldn’t be said …

  • President Poroshenko names Patriarch Filaret Hero of Ukraine

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has decided to award Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) the title “Hero of Ukraine”, he announced on his official Facebook page.

    “No level has yet been invented which could measure the contribution of Patriarch Filaret to the fight for our own local church. He has been and remains the spiritual leader of the Ukrainian church, the spiritual leader of the Ukrainian people. That is why I have decided to grant him the title …

  • Poroshenko discusses with Erdogan release of Ukrainian political prisoners from Russian prisons

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Istanbul, , Poroshenko’s website reports.

    "Special attention was paid to the liberation of illegally imprisoned Ukrainian citizens from Russian prisons and ensuring the rights of Ukrainians, including the Crimean Tatars in the territory of the Crimea under Russian occupation,” the statement reads.

    During the meeting, leaders of both countries also discussed the prospects of bilateral agreement on the free …

  • Patriarch Bartholomew: Ukrainian nation waited seven centuries for autocephaly

    After signing the Tomos of Autocephaly (independence) for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said in his address to Metropolitan Epiphany that the Ukrainian nation has been awaiting this day for seven centuries.

    “Today, light and joy, peace and unity will fill the holy church of Ukraine, which in your hands is receiving a Tomos of its official recognition and declaration as an autocephalous church, which brings it to the level of the 14 sister-churches that …

  • Filaret: Ukrainian President Poroshenko convinced Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to grant Ukrainian Church autocephaly 

    At the “Return to the faith of the fathers” forum in Lviv, Kyiv Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko) explained how President Petro Poroshenko played an important role in obtaining autocephaly (independence) for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 

    “Our enemy knows well that, if there is no firm spiritual foundation, if we build our country on the sand, then this house will not stand long. And we must build on a firm foundation. And that is why, at the very start, Moscow, when it was unable to break me, …

  • Ukraine establishes autocephalous orthodox church

    On Saturday, December 15, the Unifying Assembly of Ukrainian Orthodox Confessions, under the auspices of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, ruled to establish an autocephalous (independent) local Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). The assembly also confirmed the church charter, and elected Metropolitan Epiphany, patriarchal vicar of the former Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC KP), as primate of the new church. Ukrainian religious scholars and political experts believe that this …

  • Kyiv expects unifying church assembly before year end

    The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC KP) expects that a united assembly of the orthodox churches will be held before the end of the year. At the assembly, it will announce the establishment of a new church, with a Tomos of Autocephaly (independence) from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, UOC KP Archbishop Yevstratiy told RBC.

    “We hope that all the procedures will be completed this year, and that the Tomos, as a physical official document, will be in Kyiv …