Contents tagged with Peskov

  • Kremlin denies sending Russian military to protect Maduro

    The Russian Press Secretary for the President Dmitry Peskov stated on the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” television program that Russians were not sent to Venezuela to protect the country’s president, Nicolas Maduro.

    He responded, “of course not,” to the corresponding question from a journalist, as quoted by Interfax quote.

    When the host of the program reminded that media is reporting more than 400 militants in Russia, sent to protect Maduro, Peskov said: “fear has a vivid imagination.”

    Earlier, …

  • Chechnya’s gas debts baffle Kremlin

    Russia’s senior leaders are still unsure how to respond publicly to the incident in Chechnya where the Grozny District Court ruled to write off the population’s gas debts to the amount of 9 billion rubles, provoking a wave of similar proposals in at least seven other regions, reports

    This is a “very complex matter” and the Kremlin “has not taken a stance”, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said during a press conference on Monday.

    “In this case, the commodity has been supplied to …

  • Kremlin: Moscow hopes that Israel and Turkey will recognize Crimea’s annexation by Russia

    Moscow hopes that Israel and Turkey will eventually recognize the "legitimacy of the reunification of the Crimea and the Russian Federation", said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

    “There are several issues where our positions diverge. In the context of Crimea, neither Ankara nor Tel Aviv are yet ready to agree to our reasons that the process of Crimea’s reunification with Russia was fully compliant with the international law, and that no other term can be applied here,” Peskov …

  • Putin summons Russian billionaires to meeting in Kremlin

    Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with the top representatives of Russian business next week, presidential press-secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

    “The meeting will take place before New Year, but not this week,” the Kremlin spokesperson said.

    Putin frequently meets with major business owners. One such meeting took place on December 21 last year. At the time, the Russian president asked participants – around 60 of the most important Russian businessmen – to sum up the year and …

  • Kremlin expresses regret over the termination of the Friendship Treaty with ‘brotherly Ukraine’

    Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin regretted that Kyiv had not renewed the Friendship Treaty with the Russian Federation because Russians and Ukrainians "have ties of kinship and fraternal relations," TASS reports.

    The decree “On the termination of the Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership Treaty between Ukraine and the Russian Federation,” signed by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on December 10th was described by Peskov as “a manifestation of disrespect for …

  • Kremlin: Putin is ready for new contacts with Trump

    The Kremlin regrets the decision of the US administration to cancel the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump at the G20 summit, the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov told reporters, TASS reported.

    “We regret the decision of the US administration to cancel the meeting between the two presidents to be held in Buenos Aires,” he said. Peskov said that this situation postponed the discussion of serious international and bilateral issues “ …

  • Kremlin: Putin managed to speak with many world leaders in Paris

    More than seventy heads of state were present at the celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of Armistice Day in Paris and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with many of them, said Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov.

    “He briefly exchanged a few words with the President of the United States, Donald Trump,” said Peskov. According to him, the leaders agreed that they had “something to talk about” including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. They agreed to target [for the …

  • Kremlin: meeting between Putin and Trump in Argentina may not happen

    The meeting between the presidents of Russia and the US Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump remains up in the air. After the cancellation of talks in Paris during the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, the discussions in Argentina at the G20 summit are also at risk.

    Interfax reports that spokesman for the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov stated that the American side is slow in preparing a meeting that Putin publicly asked for from Trump’s national security adviser John …

  • Kremlin: we do not take seriously reports about possible US strikes on Russian military in Syria

    The Kremlin does not seriously consider news by the American media regarding possible strikes by the US military on Russian facilities in Syria, said Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian president, as cited by RIA Novosti .

    “We no longer seriously consider media reports, because they have completely discredited [themselves]. We pay attention to official statements,” Peskov said.

    Earlier, on September 10th, the Wall Street Journal reported that the White House is considering …

  • Kremlin responds to Trump's call to stop military operation in Syrian Idlib

    The press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov believes that U.S. President Donald Trump’s call to prevent attacks in the Syrian province of Idlib is a manifestation of a "noncomprehensive approach" to assessing the situation in the region.

    "The situation in Idlib continues to be a topic of special concern in Moscow, Damascus, Ankara and Tehran. A nest of terrorism was formed there [in Idlib], "Peskov told journalists.

    He commented on the statement of the American leader, who …