Contents tagged with Pistorius

  • German Defense Minister: international law supports Ukraine's right for long-range strikes against Russia

    Germany has refrained from sending its Taurus long-range missiles to Ukraine, citing fears of escalation. However, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius believes that the decision to target Russian territory with Western-supplied long-range missiles rests with the countries supplying these weapons to Ukraine, reports Tagesschau . He emphasized that such actions are permissible under international law as a form of self-defense for Ukraine.

    Pistorius suggested that both the U.S. and the U.K. …

  • Germany to send 64 additional missiles for Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine

    Germany will provide Ukraine with 64 additional missiles for the Patriot air defense systems, said German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius at a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels.

    According to him, the missiles will be delivered to Ukraine "immediately."

    "This is a very important sign of continued support for the successful air defense efforts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, especially now, at this special stage of the war," Pistorius said.

    Denmark, the United Kingdom, the …

  • German Defense Minister: Ukraine has the right to attack military targets in Russian territory

    German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius believes that the operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Russian territory amid Russian invasion of Ukraine are quite acceptable, reports the German newspaper Zeit.

    In his opinion, it is quite normal for the attacked side to enter the enemy’s territory in order, in particular, to block the enemy's supply routes.

    "As long as cities, civilians, civilian facilities are not attacked, you will have to accept it. Reluctantly, but it's part of it, for …