Contents tagged with Poland

  • Eastern NATO allies warn of imminent Russian threat to Poland and Baltic States

    Eastern NATO military leaders are sounding the alarm on the realistic probability of a Russian military aggression against Poland and the Baltic States, underscoring the necessity for immediate retaliatory capability.

    Officials from the eastern flank of NATO assert that Russia might target Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland with its "imperialist expansionism" following the conflict with Ukraine. This concern was expressed by Lithuanian national security advisor Kęstutis Budrys at the …

  • Poland faces hurdles in forming Ukrainian Legion amid low interest from potential recruits

    Despite efforts to form a "Ukrainian Legion" to bolster Ukraine’s military efforts, Polish authorities have encountered difficulties finding enough residents from the Ukrainian community ready to join. Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said in an interview with Wirtualna Polska that "we are not responsible for recruiting personnel. However, the number of people expected to apply from the Ukrainian side turned out to be too small" (source: [Wirtualna Polska article]).

    Initially, …

  • South Africa blocks ammunition shipments to Poland, fearing Ukraine transfer

    The South African government stopped the shipments to Poland, fearing they might be transferred to Ukraine, reports the Polish news outlet Rzeczpospolita.

    Poland placed the order with German company Rheinmetall a few months after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Now, nearly two years later, Poland has not received a single round.

    According to representatives from Poland’s Defense Ministry, the contract was terminated in July 2023 due to issues with a subcontractor. The ammunition was …

  • German court issues first arrest warrant in Nord Stream sabotage case: Ukrainian diving instructor under scrutiny

    A German court has issued the first arrest warrant in the case concerning the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. The suspect, identified as Ukrainian citizen Volodymyr, was previously living in Poland. However, Volodymyr was not detained in Poland, where he was living at the time. He denies any involvement in the bombings.

    Several German media outlets, including Spiegel, reported that in June 2024, the Federal Supreme Court issued an arrest warrant for Volodymyr, a Ukrainian …

  • Ukrainian diver suspected in Nord Stream pipeline explosion escapes to Ukraine, says Polish Prosecutor

    A Ukrainian diver suspected in Germany of involvement in the Nord Stream pipeline explosion left Poland for Ukraine in early July, said Polish Prosecutor General's Office spokesperson Anna Adamiak in a statement to Onet.

    The Polish prosecution confirmed that they had received a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) for the suspect from German authorities. However, Polish services could not locate the suspect, identified as Vladimir, at his expected location.

    "The man crossed the Poland-Ukraine border …

  • Hungary eases entry for Russians and Belarusians, sparking EU concerns

    Hungary has reportedly eased entry conditions for Russians and Belarusians, allowing them access to the EU without stringent checks, repots Deutsche Welle.

    After Viktor Orban’s visit to Moscow, Budapest has included Russian and Belarusian citizens in its so-called "national card" program. Intended for those wanting to work in Hungary, this card is issued for two years with the possibility of extension.

    Journalists have noted that holders of the "national card" bypass special European-level …

  • Polish Deputy Foreign Minister criticizes Hungary for pro-Russian stance

    In a stark contrast to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Poland refuses to engage in business with Russia, declared Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski. He emphasized that the current policies of the Hungarian leader are anti-European, anti-Ukrainian, and anti-Polish, as reported by PAP.

    "I genuinely do not understand why Hungary wants to remain a member of organizations it dislikes so much [the EU and NATO] and that supposedly treat it poorly. Why doesn't [Orban] …

  • Poland initiates 'Eastern Dawn' military operation to counter Russian threats

    Starting August 1, the Polish Armed Forces will begin a new military operation, codenamed “Wschodnia zorza” ("Eastern Dawn"), as announced on the country's Ministry of Defense website.

    This operation is a direct response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which has amplified the risk of airspace violations over Poland, according to the official statement.

    The primary goal of “Eastern Dawn” is to protect Poland's airspace from unauthorized incursions. The operation will focus on …

  • Polish Defense Minister demands Ukraine address Volhynia tragedy for EU membership consideration

    Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz has made headlines by asserting that Warsaw should issue an ultimatum to Ukraine: EU membership will only be on the table once the Volhynia tragedy of 1943 is resolved.

    Speaking on Polish TV, the Polish official emphasized that Poland supports Ukraine "as much as possible" amidst the ongoing large-scale military aggression from Russia. However, he noted that relations between Warsaw and Kyiv are strained due to unresolved historical issues.

    In …

  • Poland's MiG-29 jets could reach Ukraine by early 2025, says former Defense Minister

    Poland might deliver its remaining MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine around late 2024 to early 2025, contingent on the delivery schedule of new American F-35 jets to the Polish Air Force, former Polish Defense Minister Janusz Onyszkiewicz said in an interview with Ukrinform.

    "The delivery of the remaining Polish MiG-29s to Ukraine will depend on the delivery timeline of the F-35s to Poland to replace them. I believe this could take about six months," he said.

    Speaking about the essence of the …