Contents tagged with Rogozin

  • Adviser of Russian politician close to Putin detained on suspicion of treason

    Ivan Safronov, information policy adviser of the Head of Russian Space Agency, Roscosmos, has been detained on suspicion of treason, reports TASS news agency, citing Roscosmos’ press service. According to TASS, detention is not related to Safronov’s current work.

    "The press service of the state corporation Roscosmos reports that today the investigative bodies detained the adviser to the director general of the state corporation "Roscosmos, Safronov I.I.," TASS quoted Roscosmos representatives …

  • Russia vows to protect the Moon from privatization

    Russia will not allow the privatization of the Moon, the head of the Russian Space Agency, Roscosmos, Dmiri Rogozin, told the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.

    According to him, Moscow considers the Moon primarily as a satellite of the earth and any attempts to extract minerals there contradict international law.

    "We will not allow the privatization of the Moon, it is illegal," Rogozin said, alluding to U.S. plans to start resource extraction on the Earth’ satellite without the …

  • Head of Russian Space Agency: cause of hole in Soyuz spacecraft to be kept secret

    Dmitry Rogozin, director of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, said that the agency has figured out how a hole appeared in the lining of its Soyuz-MS-09 spacecraft, but that this information will not be publicized.

    “We have taken all the samples. What happened is clear to all of us, but we won’t tell you anything,” Rogozin said at the Youth Orbit conference in Russia.

    “We need to have some secrets,” RIA Novosti cites the director as saying.

    Rogozin also added that the compartment where the …

  • Russia refuses to allocate radio frequencies to OneWeb global satellite internet

    The Russian authorities have once again refused to allocate radio frequencies to the developers of the OneWeb global satellite internet project. The State Commission for Radio Frequencies announced its ruling on Monday 29 July. All members of the commission voted against granting frequencies to the project, said Russian Deputy Communications Minister Oleg Ivanov as quoted by the newspaper Kommersant.

    The creators of OneWeb have been trying to obtain frequencies in Russia since 2017. Russia’s …

  • Russia considers using decommissioned ballistic missiles for satellite launches

    Russian State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos is considering the possibility of using decommissioned missile systems to launch civilian satellites into orbit, said the head of the Corporation Dmitry Rogozin.

    According to him, Intercontinental ballistic missile Voevoda could be used for this purpose. This ballistic missile could be adjusted for launches of civilian spacecraft. Now this project is being discussed with the Ministry of Defense.

    Rogozin believes that this method should …

  • Russia ready to ship a batch of rocket engines to US

    The user acceptance commission has given the green light to a batch of RD-180 rocket engines bound for the US, announced NPO Energomash, the Russian rocket manufacturer.

    “In June, representatives of Pratt & Whitney, United Launch Alliance and RD Amross signed the forms for three engines. Over the course of two weeks, representatives of the aforementioned companies carried out an external inspection of the engines and the SPTA, and [filled in] the accompanying documentation,” the Energomash’s …

  • Russian Space Agency: Pentagon wants space sector relations to deteriorate

    The Pentagon’s decision to limit the use of Russian carrier rockets will lead to a deterioration in US-Russian relations in the space sector, the Russian space agency Roscosmos said in a statement on its official website.

    “This decision by the Pentagon could have a negative impact on the international cooperation to organize regular launches of spacecraft into targeted orbits on a commercial basis,” the statement reads.

    Roscosmos believes that, through this decision, the Pentagon is trying to …

  • Russia intends to use a ballistic missile Satan for space launches

    The head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin during his speech at Moscow State University said that missiles R-36M, also known as Satan after their conversion will be used for placing a payload in space, reports RBC news agency.

    He explained that the missiles will be repurposed as part of the "major process of rearmament of strategic nuclear forces"; during that process, several new heavy missiles will be produced.

    R-36M is a system with a heavy Intercontinental ballistic …

  • Kremlin: Russia is working on a new generation guided missile

    Russia is intensively working on creating a new generation of Monolith aviation guided missiles. According to the deputy general director of the Tekhmash Concern (part of Rostec State Corporation) Alexander Kochkin, a prototype of this “product” may be ready in two or three years.

    “We will not disclose full information on the Monolith missile. This is a new generation aviation guided missile that will belong to the high-precision weapons class,” RIA Novosti quotes Kochkin.

    According to him, …

  • Senior manager of Russian Space agency flees abroad after billions disappear

    Scandals continue to shake the Russian space sector: following the disappearance of billions of rubles in construction sites and megaprojects, the senior manager of one of Roscosmos’s key subsidiaries has now fled the country.

    The Russian news outlet Kommersant reported that the unprecedented incident took place at the Scientific Research Institute of Space Instrumentation (SRI SI), which develops and produces radio apparatus and electronics. The company was founded in 1985 and has worked on a …