Contents tagged with Russian Navy

  • Russian warships enter the Mediterranean Sea

    Two Northern Fleet ships, the large anti-submarine ship Severomorsk and missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov entered the  waters of the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic after undergoing repairs, Interfax reports citing the press-service of the Northern Fleet.

    The crew of the Marshal Ustinov performed air defense drills and checked the readiness of its weapons and technical systems. The Severomorsk crew practiced fighting surface vessels. The press service noted that the ships crossed the Strait …

  • Russian Prime Minister Medvedev visits annexed Crimea to attend the military parade

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Sevastopol on July 29 where a military parade in honor of the Russian Federation’s Navy Day took place. According to Russian information agencies, Medvedev arrived the night before and took part in a concert dedicated to the 1,030th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus.

    On Sunday, the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, Vice-Admiral Alexander Moiseev conducted an inspection of warships which were taking part in the parade. …

  • Norway responds to a large-scale campaign of Russia's Northern Fleet

    Major Brynjar Stordal, the press-spokesman of Norway’s Military Joint Headquarters, stated that Norway was not informed of the largest over the past decade campaign of warships of the Russian Northern Fleet in the Barents Sea , the Barents Observer news outlet reports.

    “From time to time, in the north, Russian troops demonstrated a relatively high level of activity in various areas [of the Barents Sea],” Stordal stated. “They have a right to do it both in their territory and in the …

  • Russia may send more warships to Mediterranean

    The Russian Navy will maintain an effective and balanced size of the fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, Naval Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Korolev said after the ceremony in which a replica of the ship Poltava was launched into the water in St. Petersburg.

    “The Navy will support a size of the flotilla in the Mediterranean Sea which will be effective and balanced, so that this group will maintain self-sufficiency, that is, it can successfully and effectively collaborate with aircraft, carry out …

  • Putin promises to put ships with Kalibr missiles on permanent duty in Mediterranean

    Russian ships equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles will be on combat duty in the Mediterranean, stated by President Vladimir Putin, reported RBC news agency.

    Putin spoke about naval ships with cruise missiles on permanent patrol in the Mediterranean in his opening remarks at a meeting with top officials of the Defense Ministry and defense-industrial companies on Wednesday. The head of state explained that these measures are needed because of the continuing threat from terrorists in Syria.

    “ …

  • Russian Navy conducts drills in Baltic Sea

    The Russian Navy has begun drills in the Baltic Sea which will involve more than 20 military and auxiliary vessels, TASS reported, citing official Russian Navy spokesperson Roman Martov.

    “The strike forces of the Baltic Naval Base – small missile ships and motorboats, minesweepers and various vessels from the auxiliary fleet – carry out missions. In total, the maneuvers will involve more than 20 ships and auxiliary vessels from the fleet,” he said.

    Martov clarified that in the first stage of …

  • Russian Navy commander: Russia will increase its presence in international waters

    The Russian Navy is increasing its presence in the World’s Oceans, according to Vladimir Ivanovich Korolev, the commander-in-chief of the Navy, as stated in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda, the official newspaper of the Russian military department.

    According to the commander-in-chief, Sergey Shoygu, the Russian Defense Minister, has assigned this task to the fleet. Korolev also claimed, “We will accomplish this task.” He also emphasized that, “of course, there is no need to look for any …

  • Russia scraps world’s largest strategic submarines

    The Severstal and the Arkhangelsk Akula-class submarines (project 941, NATO reporting name: Typhoon), the largest strategic nuclear submarines in the world, are to be turned into scrap metal, reported RIA Novosti with reference to a source in the ship construction sector.

    The USSR built a total of six submarines of this class. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia’s Navy retained three submarines – the Severstal and the Arkhangelsk from project 941, and the Dmitry Donskoy from project …

  • More than 40 ships from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet conduct exercises in Sevastopol

    In Sevastopol, on December 28, more than 40 ship crews from the Russian Black Sea Fleet practiced preparation for an extended naval, the use of weapons and technical equipment, as reported by the press service of the Southern Military District of Russia.

    "The crews are training to work for the survivability of the ship when berthing at the pier, practicing counter-sabotage and anti-aircraft defense," the report said. The training tasks include daily organization of service; routine and rest of …

  • Russia armed the Black Sea Fleet with more than 50 warships since annexation of Crimea

    During an interview with the Interfax news agency, Aleksandr Vitko, Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, stated that Moscow has transferred more than 50 new warships, boats and auxiliary vessels for "tasks in the Mediterranean and Black Seas” since 2014.

    "Over the past three years, we have received more than 50 new warships, boats and auxiliary vessels, which without a long commissioning period immediately began realization of tasks ", Interfax quotes Vitko as saying.

    According to Vitko, …