Contents tagged with Russian propaganda

  • Moldovan parliament approves the bill banning Russian news broadcasts

    On December 22, the Moldovan parliament voted again for the bill banning Russian propaganda, which the country's president, Igor Dodon had previously refused to sign, reported news website.

    Maxim Lebedinsky, the Moldovan president’s legal advisor said that this project is contrary to the Constitution and has nothing to do with ensuring the information security of the country. He also stated that the provisions of the document contradicted the European Convention on Human Rights.

    " …

  • EU to allocate 1 million euro annually to counter fake news coming from Russia

    The European Union will increase the funding of the working group that works on countering Russian disinformation and monitors the news on Russian media. Starting in 2018, 1.1 million euros will be allocated for these purposes annually for three years from the budget of the EU, Voice of America reports.

    The operational working group on strategic communications East StratCom Task Force was established in March 2015 by the decision of the heads of states and government of the countries of the …

  • Media: Russia used Czech Republic as a base for its attacks on Ukraine, EU and NATO

    The Czech Republic has become one of the bases for special operations against Ukraine, the EU and NATO. Russian special services tried to obtain "confidential information" of a political nature, the Czech News Agency reports, citing counterintelligence services of the Czech Republic.

    According to the media, the Russian special service "has a network of contacts in the Czech Republic, which they continue to develop."

    Last year, massive cyberattacks against state organizations and commercial …

  • Mogherini: EU counter-propaganda group reveals over 3000 cases of disinformation by Russian-speaking media over two years

    The EU’s operational working group for strategic communications, called the East StratCom Team, has identified more than 3000 cases of disinformation from Russian-language media over two years, said EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.

    "It is important for us to analyze, predict and react to disinformation. For this reason we created the first working group on strategic communications within the framework of the European External Action Service ( …

  • Security Service of Ukraine urges general public to participate in development of law against Russian propaganda

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has created a Facebook page for receiving suggestions on the development of a bill to counteract Russia hybrid warfare.

    “Every patriot of Ukraine can leave their suggestions regarding the list of actions which represent a threat to the national interests of Ukraine, and require a legal reaction, on the specially created Facebook page or by sending an email to,” the SBU’s statement reads. …

  • Moldova wants to ban Russian TV news

    The Democratic Party of Moldova intends to register a bill in parliament to combat foreign propaganda, including Russian propaganda.

    Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Andrian Candu said that there are plans to stop broadcasting the "news and political and analytical programs" produced by Russian TV channels.

    Earlier, the Moldovan parliament discussed a draft on restricting the broadcasts of information and analytical programs of TV channels from the states that had not ratified the European …

  • Poland creates center to combat Russian propaganda

    In Poland an NGO has been founded which will work to identify and counteract Russian Propaganda, “The Center for Analysis of Propaganda and Disinformation”, reported Ukrinform with reference to a statement by Adam Lelonek, director of the Center for Analysis of Propaganda and Disinformation.

    “The ‘Center for Analysis of Propaganda and Disinformation’ Foundation is the first institute of this kind in Poland, whose activity will be aimed at the analysis and search for a systematic approach to …

  • The Czech Republic created a center to fight Russian propaganda

    The Center for combatting terrorism and hybrid threats will start operating in the Czech Republic on January 1st, 2017. This was reported by Ukrinform with reference to the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    "According to the preliminary recommendations from the analysis of national security hybrid threats, including terrorism, radicalization and foreign misinformation campaigns, that pose a serious danger to internal security, it was decided to establish an appropriate government body," …

  • EU voted on resolution to counter Russian media

    At a meeting on Wednesday, November 23, members of the European Parliament voted on a resolution to combat the Russian media, the most dangerous of which were determined to be the Sputnik news agency and RT television network.

    Out of 691 deputies who voted, 304 supported the document. In the resolution, initiated by the deputy from Poland, Anna Fotyga, it is argued that Russia provides financial support to opposition political parties and organizations in EU member-states.

    The Sputnik news …

  • Russian journalist: Putin's propaganda turned separatists into heroes

    Russian journalist, Marina Ahmedova, wrote a blog which contains information on Russia’s support of the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR (Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics). Ahmedova stated that the separatists who captured the Donbas were made out to be heroes.  

    “Russian journalists were the ones who decided to make heroes of some militia members. They were with them all the time, went to the front lines with them and broadcasted their military and daily life. They actively glorified heroic …