Contents tagged with Su-57

  • Putin points out shortcomings of Russian aviation in Syria

    Russian aviation used during combat in Syria has a number of shortcomings when it comes to the technical condition of the airplanes and helicopters, said Russian President Vladimir Putin during a military meeting in Sochi as reported by RBK.

    “The same can be said about the direct fire weapons,” Putin added. He drew attention to the fact that “this would have been impossible to detect at a test site.”

    “Industrial enterprises are working routinely to eliminate the problems that have appeared. …

  • Russia says it is ready to negotiate sale of Su-57 fighter jets to Turkey

    Russia is ready to engage in negotiations with Turkey on the possible sale of the latest fifth-generation Su-57E fighter aircraft , said Sergey Chemezov, the CEO of the Russian defense concern Rostec, in an interview with Anadolu.

    According to him, Turkey is "an attractive market for the Russian fifth generation Su-57E combat aircraft ". Chemezov added, "If Ankara shows interest in purchasing this aircraft, we are ready to cooperate on this." At the same time, the head of Rostec explained that …

  • Media: India abandons joint development of Su-57 fighter with Russia

    An agreement between Russia and India on the joint development of a new fifth-generation fighter aircraft has been abandoned due to a decision by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) to withdraw from the project, reported the Indian daily newspaper The Economic Times, citing sources who participated in the negotiations. According to the publication, DRDO explained its decision by saying it either already has, or is in the process of developing indigenously, all the …

  • Media: Turkey may purchase Russian Su-57 fighters if the US decides not to supply F-35 aircraft

    If the U.S. Senate bans the sale of fifth generation F-35 fighters to Turkey, Ankara may consider buying Russian Su-35S or Su-57 fighters,reported the newspaper Yeni Safak, citing a source.

    Turkey is still planning on the June delivery of American F-35 airplanes. Twenty-one of the fighters are scheduled to be delivered to Turkey sometime this summer. The newspaper noted that 13 pilots and 100 technical personnel are receiving training in the U.S.

    Nevertheless, Turkey may consider purchasing …

  • Kremlin: Russia tested next generation cruise missiles and Su-57 fighters in Syria

    Russia has tested next generation cruise missiles in Syria from the fifth generation Su-57 fighter in February, Interfax reports, citing Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu.

    “Practical launches of next generation cruise missiles of operational-tactical designation were carried out from the fifth-generation Su-57 aircraft in February of this year to assess the combat performance of the military equipment being developed," he reported.

    On February 22, Syrian sources reported that two fifth- …

  • Media: India disappointed with Russian Su-57 fighters

    The Russian-Indian program to develop and produce fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) is in danger because the Indian Air Force believes that the aircraft does not measure up to required characteristics. It would likely be out-performed by the American F-35 and F-22, reports Hindustan Times, citing its sources in the air force.

    According to them, the Indian leadership is not satisfied with the functionalities of the Su-57 but a political decision should be made regarding the continuation …

  • Russian Defense Minister reports that Su-57 fighters returned from Syria

    Two fifth-generation Su-57 Russian fighter planes have successfully undergone combat testing in Syria and have returned to Syria, said Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu. “They were definitely there. It wasn’t long, two days. While they were there, they underwent a battery of tests, including combat tests. There were two planes,” the minister told reporters on Thursday.

    “I can say that the tests were a success. The aircraft returned home a week ago,” said Shoygu. On February 22, it became known …

  • Media: Russia sent its newest Su-57 fighters to Syria for combat testing

    The principal decision to send Russian Su-57 fifth-generation fighters to Syria was made following the results of a closed presentation of the aircraft at the MAKS-2017 air show in Zhukovsky, reported the newspaper Kommersant, referring to a source close to the military.

    "Taking into account the declared test program, the Defense Ministry decided to send the fighter to Syria in February, formally timing everything to Defender of the Fatherland Day," the source explained.

    The arrival of the Su- …

  • Israeli satellite records Russian Su-57 fighters at airbase in Syria

    The Israeli company Imagesat International (iSi) published satellite photographs of Russia’s Khmeimim airbase in Syria showing the location where the Su-57s are stationed, Haaretz reported.

    The images were taken by the satellite Eros B. In them, one can see airplanes, and the outlines of two of them resemble Russian Su-57s.

    The article states that the 5th generation Russian fighters are not yet ready for full-fledged usage. Haaretz suggests that it is more likely that they will be tested …

  • Media: Russia transfers two more of its newest Su-57 fighters to Syria

    Two additional fifth generation Su-57 fighters  have been deployed to the Russian airbase in Khmeimim, Syria, Sputnik Arabic reports.

    On February 22, Syrian blogger Wael Al Hussaini reported that Two Su-57 fighters were deployed to Khmeimim.

    According to him, he received a video from “friends” from the “Syrian pro-government news resource Syrian Military Capabilities.” Al Hussaini noted that this is “unofficial media.” He lives in Beirut and last visited the Khmeimim region in 2016.

    He said …