Contents tagged with trump

  • Russia threatens to retaliate if US deploys missiles in Europe

    Russia will respond if the US deploys nuclear missiles which are prohibited by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in Europe, warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, as reported by Interfax. 

    Lavrov said he “regrets European countries’ refusal to support the preservation of the treaty”. 

    “Our European colleagues… are not yet ready and follow the US even in cases where it clearly goes against their own interests,” he remarked. 

    “All of the EU voted against our proposal [ …

  • Gazprom CEO: Nord Stream 2 will be operational by January 2020

    Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller is convinced that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline will start supplying Europe with gas by January 1, 2020, Interfax reports. 

    “We are working according to the plans that were approved from the very beginning. The planned start for gas shipments is January 1, 2020,” Miller said. 

    Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin also said that he is prepared to work no matter how the situation develops with the US. 

    “We are working constantly under these circumstances. Our job is risk management,” …

  • Putin is ready for dialogue with Trump

    On Sunday, December 30th, the Kremlin press service reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin in a New Year’s message to his American counterpart Donald Trump confirmed Moscow’s openness to have a dialogue with Washington. 

    “In a congratulatory message to the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, with Christmas, and New Year holidays in tow, Vladimir Putin stressed that Russian-American relations are critical to ensuring strategic stability and international security …

  • European Commission: construction of Nord Stream 2 pipeline is hard to stop

    US President Donald Trump’s criticism of the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is not a reason to stop the project, stated European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Günther Oettinger on December 28. He said that any attempts to prevent the construction will encounter serious opposition as the construction is already underway. 

    Trump criticized Berlin for supporting the $11 billion gas pipeline. In July, he accused Germany of being Moscow's “hostage” because of the …

  • Volker: Russia needs a pretext for aggression in Ukraine 

    Russia needs a pretext for aggression in Ukraine, US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker told TSN.Tyzhden in an interview. 

    According to Volker, the US used to think it was unlikely that Russia was set on aggression in Ukraine, but in the wake of the Kerch Strait incident, it will be necessary to reconsider the realistic probability that there may be new aggression from Russia. 

    “We must do everything we can to stop it from coming to this. We must do everything to prevent this …

  • Kremlin: Russia does not have to demonstrate its 9M729 missile to the US to preserve Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    The elimination of weapons prohibited within the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) had been completed in 2000, said the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov  in the interview with Kommersant.

    According to Ryabkov, the United States tried to get rid of certain restrictions of the treaty that they deemed unfavorable for them, and that Russia believes that Washington intends to withdraw from the INF Treaty at any cost. When asked, why Moscow did not simply demonstrate the 9 …

  • Media: Russia is trying to include China in the negotiations on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Russia has asked China to take part in negotiations on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, reported Nikkei, citing sources familiar with the situation.

    According to the news agency, the proposal was given in October, and “apparently, Beijing did not reject this idea.”

    A source close to the Russian government told the agency that Russian president Vladimir Putin might have touched on the topic of inviting China to the negotiations in a short conversation with US President Donald Trump in …

  • Ukrainian court rules it was unlawful to disclose that Manafort’s name appeared in Yanukovych’s party black ledger

    The Kyiv District Administrative Court has ruled that it was unlawful for National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) director Artem Sytnyk and Ukrainian parliament member Serhiy Leshchenko to publicize that Paul Manafort’s name featured in the so-called “black ledger” of the Party of Regions. The court announced its ruling in a press statement.

    “The District Administrative Court of the city of Kyiv has considered the nature of the lawsuit of MP Borislav Rosenblatt against NABU director Artem …

  • Russian Foreign Minister: Putin and Erdogan reached agreement on Idlib

    Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, on the television show “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” stated that the presidents of Russia and Turkey at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires agreed on new steps aimed at stabilizing the situation around the demilitarized zones in the Syrian Idlib, TASS reports.

    “The agreement on Idlib was confirmed. It was noted that, despite the active, consistent actions of our Turkish colleagues, still not all extremists obeyed the requirement to free the 20-kilometer demilitarized zone, …

  • Ukraine promises more sanctions against Russia because of 'aggression in the Kerch Strait'

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin stated that a new set of severe sanctions would be imposed against Russia for aggressive actions in the Kerch Strait, Interfax Ukraine reports.

    “Several sets of sanctions are being prepared, severe sanctions. I cannot talk about all the details, but in fact, what already exists, works against Russia,” said the Foreign Minister.

    Klimkin also said that the US President Donald Trump canceling his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, was a “slap …