Contents tagged with trump

  • In Russia, government-run channels sharply reduced references to Trump

    Dozhd news agency, alluding to a broadcasted study, reported that Russian government-run channels have sharply reduced references to U.S. president Donald Trump.

    During the first week of February, Trump was referred to 61 times a day, and beginning from February 14, the number dropped to 12 times daily.

    Bloomberg reported last week that the Kremlin has instructed the state media to stop praising Trump. The administration of the Russian president said to Dozhd that the Kremlin is not concerned …

  • Russian Federation Council Deputy: Trump's presidency has not improved U.S.-Russia relations yet

    Russia's First Deputy of the Federation Council on Defense and Security Committee, Franz Klintsevich, said that the first month of Donald Trump’s presidency did not make any serious ground in the hope to improve Russia-USA relations.

    "While I do not see any serious moves towards the improvement of Russian-American relations, in spite of Russia’s sincere desire, as said by Donald Trump, to get along with the United States," Interfax quoted Klintsevich as saying.

    "We cannot ignore the …

  • Republican Senator Lindsey Graham: The U.S. will 'teach Russia a lesson'

    U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham intends to teach Russia a lesson for its alleged cyber attacks during the electoral campaigns of Western countries. "In 2017, you'll get a kick for what you've done," Graham said at the Munich Security Conference on Sunday, February 19 while addressing representatives from the Russian delegation. "You will face the consequences of what you have caused the Free World," warned the senator.

    According to Graham, the U.S. Congress will make all efforts to …

  • Pence: Russia must be held accountable for the crisis in eastern Ukraine

    In his first major foreign policy address on behalf of the administration of the US president, Vice President Mike Pence has said that the President of the US Donald Trump believes that the US and Russia can find ways for cooperation but Moscow should be held accountable for the crisis in Ukraine.

    While speaking the Munich Security Conference, the Vice President issued a hardline statement, saying that, “We must hold Russia accountable and demand that they honor the Minsk Agreements, beginning …

  • McCain claims Russia is testing Trump administration by escalating the situation in the Donbas

    According to Radio Liberty (RL), U.S. Senator John McCain has explained that the escalation of the situation in the Donbas is such that Russia is testing the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump.

    "The Russians are killing Ukrainians daily. They are killing them. I believe that the situation is going to get worse, because …. this is a time of testing for the Trump administration," said McCain during a panel speech on February 17 at the annual Munich Security Conference.

    Since the …

  • Trump instructs Tillerson to make contact with Russia soon

    US President Donald Trump stated on Thursday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will continue to engage with the Russian leadership.

    “If we could get along with Russia, that’s a positive thing. We have a very talented man, Rex Tillerson, who’s going to be meeting with them shortly,” he said at a press conference in Washington.

    “And I told him, I said ‘I know politically it’s probably not good for me.’ The greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that’s 30 miles off shore right out of …

  • Peskov denies contacts between Russian intelligence and Trump campaign team

    The Press Secretary for the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Vladimir Putin didn’t discuss the Crimean issue during a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump, RIA Novosti reported. “No, the Crimean issue wasn’t raised,” Peskov told journalists in response to the question.

    “We have said everything we want to say about the results of the telephone conversation that you mentioned,” the Press Secretary added. “As for the return of the Crimea, this …

  • Moscow responds to US statements on the Crimea

    Commenting on the White House's statements on the Crimea, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that Moscow “will not give back her own territories”.

    “We will not give back our own territories. The Crimea is the territory of the Russian Federation. That’s all,” Zakharova stated.

    She also remarked that bilateral relations between Russia and America “were brought to an impasse by the previous US administration, which they need to be brought out of”.

    “The Obama administration was in power …

  • U.S. Senator John McCain: Flynn’s resignation raises further questions about the Trump administration’s intentions toward Russia

    The resignation of National Security Advisor, Michael T. Flynn, raises even more questions about how the administration of President Donald Trump will cooperate with Russia, according to the head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Republican Senator John McCain.

    "General Flynn’s resignation also raises further questions about the Trump administration’s intentions toward Vladimir Putin’s Russia," John McCain indicated in a statement released on Tuesday.

    In addition, the senator said he …

  • Russians blame ‘Russophobia’ in the U.S. Administration for Flynn resignation

    Russians have considered the dismissal of the U.S. President’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn to be an act of ‘paranoia’. The dismissal was triggered by Flynn’s contacts with the Russian government, which occurred without the prior knowledge of the U.S. Administration.

    Konstantin Kosachev, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian State Duma, wrote about the occurrence on his Facebook page.

    "Either Trump has not found his desired independence and …