Contents tagged with trump

  • Poroshenko: Trump's words on the Crimea are 'pre-election rhetoric'

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko believes that the words of the US Republican Party’s presidential candidate, Donald Trump, regarding the Crimea are pre-election rhetoric. He was referring to Trump’s statements about possibly recognizing the Crimea as Russian territory. Poroshenko said this during an interview with CNN.

    “It is part of the pre-election rhetoric. The future president, no matter who it is, will be a very responsible person,” Poroshenko said.

    Trump has previously and …

  • Poll suggests only 10% of Americans are sympathetic towards Putin

    The majority of Americans, a total of 56%, are opposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Deutsche Welle reported that this was determined by the results of a survey published on the 25th of September, which was conducted by the Associated Press agency in cooperation with the GfK.

    In addition, only one in ten of the respondents think of Putin favorably. A total of 24% of Americans believe that Putin has leadership qualities that an American president should also have. A total of 71% of the …

  • Newt Gingrich claims the US would sell weapons to Ukraine if Trump becomes president

    If Donald Trump is elected U.S. President, the issue on the provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine could be unlocked and an option of arms sales with deferred payments could be offered, the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, stated in an interview with European Pravda. Gingrich made the assertion response to the question on how U.S. policy toward Ukraine will change in case of Trump’s victory.

    “We can say for sure that President Trump will unlock the issue on …

  • Rasmussen: A Trump victory would weaken Ukraine's position

    A victory by U.S. Republican Party candidate, Donald Trump, will weaken Ukraine’s position, as stated by an advisor to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, ex-NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, in an interview with Apostrophe.

    "If Hillary Clinton were elected as President, I expect that she would exert pressure on Russia until it implements the Minsk Agreements. If Donald Trump is elected, I’m afraid it will weaken Ukraine’s position," Rasmussen stated.

    The advisor to the …

  • Biden reassures Baltic States of NATO's commitment to their defense

    The Vice-President of the United States, Joe Biden, guaranteed NATO’s assistance to the Presidents of the Baltic States. Biden urged them to not take the statements of the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States, Donald Trump, seriously.

    The Vice-President of the United States promised the Baltic States solid support as NATO partners. On the 23rd of August, Joe Biden stated at a meeting with the Presidents of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, that Washington considers itself …

  • Media: Manafort's deputy was linked to Russian intelligence

    Konstantin Kilimnik has been linked to Russian Intelligence. Kilimnik is the deputy of Paul Manafort who in turn is the former head of the electoral headquarters of Donald Trump and a consultant of the fugitive former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. This was reported by the Financial Times.

    People who have worked with Kilimnik, who is a Russian citizen, have claimed that while in Manafort’s team, it was known that Kilimnik was a military linguist and had a connection with Russian …

  • Survey: 34 percent of Russians would expect improved relations with the US under Trump

    34% of Russians surveyed expected that relations between the United States and Russia would improve if Republican candidate billionaire Donald Trump is elected President of the United States. RIA Novosti made the report citing data from the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (WCIOM).

    About half of the respondents said they expected complications in interaction between the two countries if Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton comes to power. About 36% believe that Trump’s victory …

  • The Kremlin: Trump saying he might recognize Russian-Crimea is only campaign rhetoric

    Any conclusions drawn from the statement can be attributed to campaign rhetoric.

    Through the President of Russia’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin reported that the statement made by the US Republican Party's presidential candidate, Donald Trump, concerning the possible recognition of Crimea as part of Russia, will not change Russia’s attitude towards him, RIA Novosti reports.

    According to Peskov, Trump’s statement was a case of campaign rhetoric.

    “We know perfectly well that …

  • Kremlin: Trump's comments on Russia 'not the best choice of words'

    TASS reported Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov's response to U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump's comments on a possible attack by Russia against the Baltic countries. Peskov stated that “The phrase about a hypothetical attack of Russia on someone isn't worded well enough to be significant or insightful.”

    Earlier, Trump stated that if Russia attacks one of the Baltic States, he will decide whether to help them or not only after he finds out whether this country has …

  • Trump says he may not back NATO allies if invaded by Russia

    In an interview with the New York Times, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested that the United States wouldn’t come to the defense of NATO allies, such as the Baltic states, if they haven’t “fulfilled their obligation” to the US.

    Trump has repeatedly stated that most Alliance member states are not making the necessary financial contributions to NATO. In the past, the real estate mogul has said that “the US must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves.”

    In April, …