Contents tagged with Trupm

  • Zelensky questions Trump's claim to end Ukraine war in 24 hours

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has responded to former US President Donald Trump's claim that he could end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours.

    "Everyone would be happy if a single person in the world, regardless of who it is—let's say Donald Trump—could stop the war in 24 hours. But the question is, at what cost and who will pay it," Zelensky said in an interview with BBC.

    Zelensky believes that the cost would ultimately fall on Ukraine.

    "I'm not suggesting that his (Trump's) idea is …

  • Kuchma: there is more likelihood that Ukraine will receive lethal weapons during Trump’s presidency than when Obama was in power

    The representative of Ukraine in the Tripartite Contact Group, the second president of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, believes that after Donald Trump came to power, Ukraine has a better chance of receiving lethal weapons, as he expressed during the YES forum.

    He noted that work with the administration of US President Donald Trump in this matter is more promising than with the administration of Barack Obama.

    "Let's wait till he [Trump] has a good mood in favor of Ukraine and are problems with Russia. …

  • The Kremlin is in contact with Trump’s team over Syria

    Moscow has begun establishing contacts with the representatives of the team of the US president-elect, Donald Trump, over Syria, stated the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Bogdanov, while speaking to journalists on Thursday, reported Russia's Interfax news agency.

    “We are at a crucial point; the new team of the president-elect, Donald Trump, is taking over. We are beginning to establish contacts with people who will most likely be helping the new president, …

  • US Senator Bob Corker: The US should continue to respond to Russia’s aggression

    In response to Voice of America’s request for comment regarding US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s statement about Crimea and the Donbas, the US Senator from Tennessee, Bob Corker, stated that the United States should continue to respond to Russia’s aggression related to the invasion into eastern Ukraine and illegal annexation of Crimea.

    “I have supported providing lethal weapons to Ukraine and believe we should help our allies resist efforts to change borders by force,” Bob …