Contents tagged with turkey

  • Turkey negotiating purchase of Su-35 fighter jets from Russia

    Russia and Turkey are close to signing an agreement for the supply of 36 Russian Su-35 fighter jets to the Turkish Air Force, reports the Turkish  publication Daily Sabah, citing its sources.

    It is also reported that the parties may agree on the production of some components of the Russian aircraft at Turkish enterprises as one of the conditions for the supply of Russian fighters.

    At the moment, there are no official statements from both sides, however, a few days ago, the head of the Russian …

  • Russian military police start patrolling Syria-Turkey border

    For the first time in years, Damascus has begun to control the north-eastern border with Turkey.

    On Wednesday, Russian military police began patrolling Syria’s north-eastern border as part of an agreement with Turkey to expel the Kurds from the region.

    The arrival of Russian police in the Syrian border city of Kobani marks the start of Moscow and Damascus’s joint mission to keep the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) at least 30 km from the Turkish border, as part of an agreement made by …

  • Putin informs Assad about outcome of negotiations with Erdogan

    Russian President's Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin updated Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on the outcome of the meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Sochi on Tuesday, reports TASS.

    "The Russian President informed his Syrian counterpart about the outcome of the meeting [with Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan," said Peskov. According to him, Putin told Assad about the key provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding drawn up as a result of the …

  • Russia and Turkey agree on joint patrol in Syria and extension of ceasefire

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that, after almost seven hours of negotiations in Sochi, the Russian and Turkish presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan agreed to extend the ceasefire in Northern Syria for 150 hours (more than six days), reports Deutsche Welle.

    During these 150 hours, Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) should withdraw 30 kilometers into Syria.

    Also, Moscow and Ankara will organize joint patrols of the security zone in the Syrian territory along the …

  • Kremlin: Turkey may purchase Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets from Russia

    There is a high probability that Turkey will be interested in the Russian combat aircraft of the new generation, but it will depend on many factors, reports RIA Novosti citing Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov.

    The Deputy Prime Minister did not rule out that Turkey would turn to Russia in the future for the purchase of modern warplanes, but this will depend on further relations between Ankara and Washington. According to him, Turkish officials expressed great interest in the Russian …

  • Erdogan to discuss with Putin presence of Assad's army in Northern Syria

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that he will discuss with Russian President Vladimir Putin the deployment of the Syrian army in a "security zone" in Northern Syria.

    Urgent talks between Putin and Erdoğan on further steps in the region are scheduled for the next week in Sochi, reports Voice of America.

    Erdoğan warned that Ankara would continue to "implement its plans in Syria" if Turkey and Russia fail to agree on any further steps.

    The Turkish authorities, after talks with the …

  • Syrian Kurds ask Israel for help

    An unnamed Kurdish politician in an interview with the Israel Army Radio (Galey Tzahal or IDF Radio), appealed to the Israeli government for help. According to the Kurdish politician, "the whole region will suffer" if no one stops the Turkish operation in Syria.

    He also warned of severe consequences not only for the Middle East but for the whole world if former militants of the Islamic State group, who fled because of the Turkish invasion, will get out of Syria.

    Earlier, representatives of …

  • Kremlin calls Trump's letter to Erdogan 'unusual'

    On Thursday, the Kremlin commented on US President Donald Trump's letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, calling its tone highly unusual for correspondence between Presidents. The American President asked his Turkish counterpart not to be a "tough guy" and "a fool."

    On Wednesday, the White House published Trump's letter to Turkish President, which was sent on October 9. The American President urged his Turkish counterpart to stop the offensive in Northeastern Syria and recommended …

  • Israel uses Turkish invasion to strike Syria

    Journalist Babak Taghvaee reported on his Twitter account that Israel had used the Turkish offensive against Kurdish militias and the chaos in Northern Syria to conduct airstrikes in another part of Syria.

    According to the journalist, Israel conducted the airstrike on military bases in Eastern Syria near the city of Abu Kamal. Israeli aircraft had previously attacked the surrounding areas of this city, and Israeli media claimed that Iranian and Pro-Iranian forces were the target of the strikes. …

  • Russian military enter Syrian city previously controlled by US

    Russian Military Police started patrolling the demarcation line between Turkish and Syrian government troops in Manbij and neighboring areas, which were controlled by US allies the day before. US Armed Forces left two military bases in the city of Manbij.

    The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian Military Police entered the Manbij area. Earlier, the Syrian army, controlled by President Bashar al-Assad, said it had fully occupied Manbij.

    US Official military Spokesperson for Operation …