Contents tagged with turkey

  • Poland wants to get the F-35 aicraft if the United States does not deliver them to Turkey

    Polish authorities are hoping to push for American F-35 fighter jets if the United States cancels the delivery of these aircraft to Turkey, RIA Novosti reports citing a Polish source familiar with the matter.

    Dissatisfied with Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, the Unites States is trying to give Ankara an ultimatum, threatening to refuse to supply Turkey with F-35 fighter jets. At the same time, the purchase of the F-35 is part of the plan to modernize the …

  • Ankara: Turkey is ready to purchase US Patriot system after acquiring S-400 systems from Russia

    Russia offered Turkey a better deal for the sale of its anti-missile systems than the United States, said Turkish leader Redep Tayyip Erdogan.

    “There can be no talk of Turkey withdrawing from its deal with Moscow. We are in agreement, we are determined,” the newspaper Haberturk quoted Erdogan saying.

    He added that Turkey would be ready to purchase US Patriots if the United States was able to offer a deal as lucrative as the one offered by the Russian Federation.

    According to Reuters, Turkey’ …

  • Russia urges Turkey to stop militant attacks coming from Idlib

    “There is still a fairly high concentration of terrorists and militants in Idlib who, taking advantage of their numbers, attack civilian targets and carry out violent attacks on Russian military targets. This is unacceptable," RIA Novosti quoted him saying.

    According to him, Russia is cooperating with Turkey when it comes to Idlib. More specifically, Turkey “is responsible for ensuring that such attacks do not occur.”

    “You know, the Sochi agreements are in effect here, work is being done in …

  • Russia resumes bombings in Syria after negotiations with Turkey fail

    Russian aircraft  continued the bombing of the North-West regions of Syria after the talks between Russian military and Turkish Army to reach the ceasefire failed, reports Al Masdar News with reference to Syrian military sources.

    At least five Russian aircraft bombed the province of Idlib, where forces that oppose the army of Bashar al-Assad are located, including the National Liberation Front, which is supported by Ankara, and a group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. 

    The Syrian Army could not continue …

  • Trump accepted Erdogan's offer to set up a commission on Turkey’s S-400 deal with Russia

    US President Donald Trump responded to the proposal of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to establish a working group on the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, NTV reports.

    The presidents are expected to meet during the G20 summit in Japan.

    Several sources claim that the working group will support the position of the United States that Turkey's purchase of the S-400 would jeopardize the F-35 fighter program.

    Earlier, Erdoğan noted that Ankara had made a final …

  • Russian Special Forces ambushed in Syria

    Russian Special Forces were ambushed by Syrian rebels near the village of Khirbet al-Arus in the northwest of the Syrian Hama province, reported the Conflict Intelligence Team on Telegram.

    According to the news agency Nors for Studies, a group of up to 23 Russian soldiers was ambushed. Several commandos were injured. However, on their official page, the militants reported that the Russians suffered casualties.

    Nors for Studies also published photographs of items belonging to the Russian …

  • Turkish Ambassador to US: F-35s to be stationed outside S-400 cover zone

    The American 5th generation F-35 fighter jets will be stationed in Turkey outside the zone covered by the Russian S-400 aerial defense systems, said Turkish Ambassador to the US Serdar Kiliç.

    “The S-400s and the F-35s will be stationed in two specific regions of Turkey, and the F-35s will not be in the zone covered by the S-400s,” he said at the National Press Club in Washington.

    The Turkish diplomat drew attention to the fact that Israeli F-35s fly over Syria, where there are also Russian S-4 …

  • Turkey denies reports the US threatened to stop supply of F-35 fighters if Ankara purchases S-400 missile systems from Russia

    The US did not issue ultimatums to Turkey because of  the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, reports RIA Novosti with reference to Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar.

    Akar said that the information that the US threatened to ban Turkey from the F-35 program if it does not refuse the deal to buy Russian missile systems is not accurate.

    The Minister noted that Turkey has fully paid for the supply of F-35 fighters, the aircraft have already been delivered, and now the …

  • The United States calls on Russia and Syria to stop offensive in Idlib

    On Tuesday, at a media briefing, State Department Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus, called on Russia and Syrian officials to stop conducting offensive operations in Syria’s Idlib province.

    According to her, such actions constitute a “reckless escalation” of tensions in the Syrian province.  “This is unacceptable,” said Ortagus. She stressed that Washington is calling on Moscow and Damascus to stop conducting the offensive operation. It “needs to end,” Ortagus added. The State Department …

  • Russian experts will arrive in Turkey to install the S-400 air defense systems

     On Monday, during broadcast on Haberturk TV, Turkish Minister of Defense Hulusi Akar said that Russian technical personnel will be arriving to the country to install the S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems.

    “Purchase of the S-400 is a done deal. Case closed. Everyone needs to understand that. Our president has said this multiple times. Technical personnel will be arriving from Russia to install the S-400,” Akar said, without specifying the exact time the Russian specialists planned to arrive. …