Contents tagged with turkey

  • Washington: Russia wants to get Turkey on its side

    The United States Permanent Representative to NATO, Kay Bailey Hutchison stated that Washington is working every possible solution to convince Turkey to give up purchasing Russian S-400 missile systems, Interfax reported.

    "We are very against [Turkey’s purchase of the S-400] because it will have a negative impact on the compatibility of NATO weapons in Turkey. We cannot use a defense system created by Russia and supply F-35 planes to Turkey at the same time. That is why we work with Turkey in …

  • Turkey to supply military drones to Ukraine

    Turkey and Ukraine signed a memorandum on the supply of unmanned aircraft systems to Ukraine, the press service of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) reported on Wednesday, July 4.

    "Based on the Commission's work [following the meeting of the Joint Ukraine-Turkey Commission on military-technical cooperation in Ankara], the parties signed a Memorandum on the supply of unmanned aircraft systems to Ukraine, creating a joint venture,” the statement said.

    The participants …

  • Turkey will receive F-35 fighters despite objections of US Congress

    According to sources in the Pentagon and Lockheed Martin, Turkey will receive its first F-35 Joint Strike fighter this week, despite objections from Congress.  

    Lockheed Martin, which manufactures the F-35 fighters, will hold a ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas in honor of the new fighters destined for Turkey, a company spokesman said.

    The National Defense Authorization Act, passed by both chambers of Congress, contains restrictions on Turkey’s participation in the F-35 program.

    U.S. lawmakers …

  • US Senate bans sale of F-35 fighters to Turkey

    The U.S. Senate has banned the sale of fifth-generation F-35 fighters to Turkey because of Turkey’s intention to purchase S-400 surface-to-air missile systems from Russia. Turkey expressed regret over the U.S. Senate’s decision and noted that companies from the Middle East country manufactured parts for the fighters. Now Ankara has to look for alternatives or speed up the development of its own military aircraft.

    Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said it was unfortunate that the U.S. …

  • Turkey offers to assist Ukraine with the release of political prisoners

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said on Channel 5 that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan promised to help Ukraine with the release of prisoners held in Russia.

    The Foreign Minister noted Turkey's assistance in the release of Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chiygoz. "It was very difficult. I think that Erdoğan himself must talk about it, probably after the elections. For now, it's better to work on new releases," Klimkin stressed.

    The minister said that during a long …

  • Media: Syrian Democratic Forces planning a large-scale operation against Turkish army in Syrian canton Afrin

    Russian Federal News Agency reports, citing its sources, that Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which are supported by the US-led coalition, are planning to launch a large-scale military operation in the north-western province of Aleppo to drive Turkish troops and their allies out of the canton of Afrin.

    According to the agency, the SDF plans a large-scale operation against the Turks in the settlements of Jarablus, Azaz and Al-Bab. SDF command has recently held several meetings with their …

  • Russia to complete delivery of S-400 missile systems for Turkey by May 2019

    The Russian Defense companies were instructed to complete the production of S-400 surface-to-air missile systems that will be delivered to Turkey before May 2019, a military-diplomatic source told TASS news agency.

    "The companies working on the order were instructed to finish the production of systems before May 2019 to begin supplying Turkey in July," the source said. The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of Russia and Rosoboronexport (Russia’s arms exporter) have not …

  • Media: Erdogan offered to produce S-500 missile systems together with Russia

    On Thursday, during an interview with 24 TV, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that he offered Russian President Vladimir Putin to jointly produce S-500 surface-to-air missiles.

    Erdoğan did not reveal Putin’s response, nor did he mention when exactly the two presidents conversed.  

    Anadolu news agency released an extract of Erdoğan’s interview for 24 TV. “Russia provided us with a loan for S-400 on acceptable terms,” the agency cites Erdoğan as stating. “In the second and third …

  • Turkish Defense Ministry: NATO concerned about Russian S-400 radars

    Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli has attended talks with US Defense Secretary James Mattis in Brussels, during which he discussed the disagreement surrounding the purchase of S-400 systems  from Russia.

    According to the minister, Turkey’s deal with Russia on the S-400 anti-air missile systems does not constitute a threat to NATO, but the Alliance really does have causes for concern.

    Canikli explained that the S-400s have extremely powerful radars, which could transmit information …

  • Surrender without a fight: Kurds abandon Syrian Manbij

    The military advisors of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have withdrawn from the Syrian city of Manbij. This was reported in a YPG statement distributed by the Kurdish news agency Firat on June 6. The YPG is leaving the city in accordance with a US-Turkey agreement reached on June 4.

    “At the request of the military council of Manbij, a group of military instructors from our forces remained as advisers, this took place in coordination with the international coalition… Now, after two …