Contents tagged with turkey

  • US warns Turkey about consequences of buying S-400 missile systems from Russia

    If Turkey buys the S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia, the USA will block a deal to sell the fifth generation F-35 fighter aircraft, claimed the Head of the Turkish Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee Volkan Bozkir after his visit to the USA.

    Turkish newspaper Hurriyet quotes him as saying, "Congress has a desire to link the issue of Turkey's purchase of Russian systems with the sale of F-35s." He added that "the senators are not saying this openly, but during conversations …

  • For the first time Turkey tests its own ballistic missiles

    Turkey conducted tests of ballistic missiles made within its own borders, and which were previously presented at an exhibition in Istanbul, reports Anadolu Agency.

    Tests that took place at a military training ground in Sinop, in the north of the country, were called successful. “Experts evaluated the capabilities of the missile engine after disabling the guidance system,” the agency said.

    In the course of the tests, two types of missiles were launched: small and medium-range Gökdogan missiles …

  • Russia's Gazprom starts dismantling Turkish Stream pipeline

    Gazprom has abandoned the hope of turning the Turkish Stream project into a gas pipeline for mass exportation to Europe.

    As Interfax reported on Monday, the Russian gas company is preparing to begin dismantling the Southern Gas Corridor pipelines which were initially constructed for the South Stream and were later transferred to the Turkish Stream.

    According to the plan, the Turkish Stream was supposed to supply Turkey and the EU with 63 billion cubic meters of gas per year. However, a …

  • General Pavel: Russian S-400 in Turkey will constitute a major challenge for NATO systems

    The Russian S-400 “Triumph” anti-air missile systems which Ankara bought from Moscow will constitute a major challenge for NATO’s weapon systems in Turkey, said Czech General Petr Pavel, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, in an interview with a group of journalists while on a work visit to Washington.

    “The military assessment is still maintained that the S-400 is not compatible with NATO’s integrated system. And so, if the system is ultimately acquired, it must be used as a standalone …

  • Erdogan: No disagreements between Turkey and Russia on Afrin

    Turkey and Russia have no disagreements concerning the military operation “Olive Branch” that Turkey is carrying out in the Syrian region of Afrin, as stated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a press conference while flying back from a tour of Africa, the TRT Haber TV channel reported.

    “We do not have disagreements with Russia concerning Afrin. We will continue to establish observation points in Idlib. Eight such points have already been established. In the future we are planning to …

  • NATO: Russian S-400 missiles systems are not compatible with Alliance's missile defense

    Deputy Secretary General of NATO Rose Gottemoeller said that during arms purchases the lack of compatibility of Russian S-400 air defense missile system with the NATO missile defense must be taken into account.

    "As for the missile defense system, NATO members believe that the greatest effectiveness can be achieved only through the interaction of NATO systems. We want to study these systems. The S-400 system doesn’t integrate with other NATO members' systems, and it is necessary to study this …

  • US threatens Turkey with sanctions if they purchase S-400 missile systems from Russia

    Washington has threatened Ankara with sanctions should they decide to purchase S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems from Moscow, RIA Novosti reports with reference to Haberturk newspaper.

    According to an unnamed US official, the US has concerns over Turkey's purchase of Russian surface-to-air missile systems. Haberturk’s interlocutor explained that the Turkish government’s decision could "negatively influence the interoperability of NATO." The official assumed that considering the bill recently …

  • Kurds report that Syrian government forces are in Afrin

    The statement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the Turkish military stopped the advance of Damascus-backed troops into the city of Afrin is untrue, spokesman for Kurdish self-defense forces Reyzan Hedu told RIA Novosti.

    “The forces sent (to Afrin) are directed by the Syrian government, from the command of the Syrian army. Erdogan turned out to be a bad traffic policeman today, saying that he stopped the movement of Syrian forces that were heading to Afrin. That statement is not …

  • Media: Despite sanctions Ukrainian cargo ship delivers ore from Turkey to Crimea then safely sails back to Ukraine

    The Nefterudovoz 45 M oil and ore tanker sailing under the Ukrainian flag has delivered approximately 10,000 tons of ilmenite ore from the city of Samsun in Turkey to the Kerch Strait, re-loaded it in a harbor for further delivery to the closed port in Kerch in the Russian-annexed Crimea and returned to Kherson (Ukraine).

    The information was reported on February 17th by the Ukrainian Center of Investigative Journalism, citing data from the Marine Traffic online tracking service, which …

  • Syrian government forces may be deployed in Afrin within next two days

    In the next two days Syrian government forces will be deployed along certain stretches of the Turkish border and in the Afrin province, where the Turkish Armed Forces are carrying out Operation “Olive Branch”, announced Bardan Jia Kurd, spokesperson for the administration of the self-declared Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava).

    An agreement has finally been reached with Damascus, Reuters reports. The Kurds have their first ally in the war with Turkey, whereas before, as they themselves put it, the …