Contents tagged with turkey

  • Putin and Erdogan to discuss the participation of Kurdish Democratic Union Party in Syrian settlement process during Erdogan's visit to Russia

    During a visit to Moscow on November 13, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will discuss the participation of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the Syrian National Dialogue Congress with Russian leader Vladimir Putin,  NTV news channel reported. Putin and Erdoğan will also discuss the fight against terrorism in Syria and Iraq. After the visit to Moscow, the Turkish president will leave for Kuwait on November 14.

    On November 1, Erdoğan's spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said that Turkey …

  • Gazprom completes Turkish Stream construction on Russian territory

    Russian gas conglomerate Gazprom has completed construction on the offshore sections of the two Turkish Stream lines on the territory of the Russian Federation, and has begun construction of the first line within the Turkish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ),  Prime news outlet reported, citing South Stream Transport B.V.

    "On November 4, 2017, the first line of the Turkish gas flow entered the Turkish Exclusive Economic Zone. Pioneering Spirit, the world’s largest construction vessel, laid into …

  • Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey launch new railroad linking to Europe and China, bypassing Russia

    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey held an official event to open a new railroad, the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars line. The new route passes through the three countries and provides passenger and freight railroad transit between Europe and China surpassing Russia and Armenia.

    The opening event took place in Alat, Azerbaijan, a village in a remote part of the Baku capital suburb, 70 kilometers southeast of the city. The ceremony was attended by top leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkey and the prime ministers of …

  • NATO warns Turkey of consequences of acquiring Russian S-400

    Turkey will be faced with “unavoidable consequences” if it buys Russian S-400 anti-air defense systems, said NATO Military Committee Chairman General Petr Pavel, as reported by Defense News.

    “The principle of sovereignty obviously exists in acquisition of defense equipment, but the same way that nations are sovereign in making their decision, they are also sovereign in facing the consequences of that decision” Pavel noted.

    According to the NATO representative, although each country is free to …

  • Crimean Tatar leaders Umerov and Chiygoz handed over to Turkey thanks to agreement between Poroshenko and Erdogan

    The Russian authorities have handed over Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chiygoz to Turkey, Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev told Ukrayinska Pravda.

    The two deputy heads of the Mejlis were flown to Ankara.

    Umerov and Chiygoz’s release became possible thanks to the agreements achieved as a result of Turkish President Recep Erdoğan ’s visit to Ukraine.

    The lawyer Nikolai Polozov confirmed this information on Facebook.

    “The thing we have been waiting for for so long has happened. Two more …

  • Russia lifts ban on imports of Turkish tomatoes

    Russia will lift its restrictions on the import of tomatoes from Turkey beginning November 1, as announced by the Russian Energy Minister, Alexander Novak, who is also the Co-Chairman of the Russian-Turkish Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation.

    "The decision has been prepared. The possibility of supplying 50,000 tons of tomatoes to the Russian Federation starting November 1 has already been agreed upon by our authorities," said Novak to the reporters, TASS quotes.

    He …

  • Germany asks Ukraine not to extradite detained Kurd to Turkey

    At Turkey’s request, Cologne resident Kemal K., who has both German and Turkish citizenship, was arrested in Ukraine on an Interpol arrest warrant.

    As reported by Deutsche Welle, it came out on October 17 that Kemal had been arrested already at the middle of this year at a request made by Turkey through Interpol. He is free to move about, but he cannot leave Ukrainian territory until a decision is made regarding his extradition to the Turkish authorities.

    Residing in Germany since 2017, Kemal …

  • Crimean authorities: Turkey's refusal to accept ships from Crimea is a 'political statement' against Russia

    The head of the Kremlin-controlled Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, believes that the decision by Turkish leadership to ban the reception of ships from the closed ports of the Russian-annexed Crimea will not affect the economy of the peninsula in any way. He told journalists about this in Simferopol, RIA Krym reports.

    "By and large, this [the ban on receiving ships in Crimea] doesn't affect us in any way. Even before that, we did not particularly have a freight flow with them [Turkey] …

  • Syria demands that Turkey withdraw its troops

    Speaker of the Syrian Parliament Hamoudeh Sabbagh said that Damascus demands the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Turkish troops from the country.

    Speaking at the plenary session of the Assembly of the International Parliamentary Union in St. Petersburg, he noted that a large number of military vehicles and ambulances had been moved to the region of the Turkish province of Hatay. The Turkish General Staff announced the beginning of a reconnaissance operation in Idlib, Syrian, which is …

  • Crimean authorities admit that the ferry service with Turkey cannot be resumed

    Sevastopol has recognized that the issue of resuming ferry service with Turkey cannot be resolved, as stated by Director of the Crimean Sea Agency LLC (ferry operator) Stanislav Gvozdilov, Crimea News reports.

    According to Gvozdilov, such questions will have to be discussed by Moscow and Ankara.

    "The ferry service, which was interrupted in March, has not been resumed. For now, there is no opportunity to do so. The issue here must be resolved at the governmental level," he said.

    The …