Contents tagged with turkey

  • Russian Foreign Minister announces a new meeting on Syria in Astana

    According to RIA News, Sergey Lavrov, the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, announced that the next meeting on Syria would be held in Astana on July 10th.

    According to him, the special representative of the UN Special Envoy for Syria. Staffan de Mistura will participate in the event.

    “It was at this meeting that the parties agreed to finalize the agreement on the specific parameters of the modalities for ensuring the regime exists in the de-escalation zones …

  • Media: Germany gave Ankara two weeks to resolve the Incirlik military base conflict

    The German government has set a two week deadline for Ankara to resolve the conflict over the access of Bundestag deputies to the Incirlik NATO base in Turkey, as reported by Spiegel Online news website. If the matter is not resolved, Germany will withdraw its tanker aircraft and Tornado fighters from the base.

    According to Spiegel, the federal government intends to withdraw the planes from the Incirlik only after holding talks with the Turkish authorities. Neither the German Foreign Ministry …

  • Ukrainians can now use state-issued ID cards to enter Turkey

    Turkey has officially introduced a visa-free policy with Ukraine which allows holders of state issued ID-cards to enter the country instead of general civil passports. The official policy text was published in Resmi Gazete (Official Government Gazette of the Republic of Turkey).

    According to the new rules, citizens of Ukraine and Turkey who use the ID-cards instead of passports will be able to cross the Ukrainian-Turkish border without visas and stay in the country for up to 90 days during a 18 …

  • Turkey strengthened protection on the Bosphorus because of a possible Islamic State attack on the Russian fleet

    Istanbul authorities stepped up security measures in the Bosphorus Strait to prevent a possible attack by the Islamic State terrorist group on Russian warships. This was reported on Tuesday, May 16, by Hurriyet Daily News. Earlier, Turkish intelligence received information indicating that jihadists can start preparing to fire on ships of the Russian navy from portable missile systems and long-barreled weapons.

    Based on the received data, the Turkish police studied those places in the Bosporus …

  • Ukraine and Turkey to collaborate on weapons and ammunition production

    Ukraine has agreed to joint munition production projects in the context of the International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF) 2017, which is taking place in Istanbul, as reported on the website of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC).

    Memoranda have also been signed regarding collaboration in the production of avionics, navigation and new planes.

    “The number of signed contracts and memoranda on collaboration are evidence that Ukrainian weaponry and Ukrainian technology are …

  • Russian oil company Gazprom starts construction of pipeline to Turkey

    Construction of the TurkStream gas pipeline has begun in the Black Sea near the Russian coast, reports Interfax, citing a statement from Gazprom.

    The pipeline is being laid by Allseas’ ship Audacia, which is contracted to lay both legs of the offshore gas pipeline. Audacia will subsequently pull the pipes from the shore through microtunnels.

    In the deeper parts of the Black Sea, the pipelaying vessel Pioneering Spirit will lay the TurkStream pipeline.

    “The project is implemented strictly …

  • Russia, Turkey and Iran sign memorandum on the establishment of security zones in Syria

    At the plenary session of the 4th Astana meeting, devoted to the peaceful settlement of the Syrian conflict, Russia, Turkey and Iran signed a memorandum on the establishment of de-escalation zones in Syria, Interfax news agency reported.

    During the signing of the document, two members of the delegation from the Syrian opposition left the meeting. “We do not accept Iran as a guarantor country,” said one of the departing delegates.

    The head of the Syrian opposition delegation, Mohammad Alloush, …

  • Media: Russia proposes to deploy foreign military contingents in 'security zones' in Syria

    Foreign military contingents may be deployed in the “security zones” that Russia has proposed to establish in Syria, reports Kommersant newspaper, referring to a draft memorandum submitted by Moscow to negotiators in Astana.

    In this memorandum, Russia, Turkey and Iran are called “guarantors of the ceasefire in Syria”.

    Four "de-escalation zones" have been proposed - in the province of Idlib, north of Homs, in eastern Ghouta, as well as in southern Syria.

    The exact location of these zones …

  • Putin and Erdogan agree to mutual lifting of sanctions with the exception of the ban on tomatoes

    During the meeting in Sochi on Wednesday, May 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed to lift virtually all mutual trade restrictions.

    The only exception was the ban on the import of Turkish tomatoes in Russia. According to Putin, this will be lifted once Russian producers recover the investments caused by the closing of the market.

    Putin emphasized that he and Erdogan had achieved an agreement regarding the “complex resolution of all the problems …

  • Syrian opposition: Russia wants to create 'zones for reducing tensions' in Syria

    Russia has proposed the creation of four zones to reduce tension in Syria: in the Idlib province, north of the city of Homs, in East Ghouta, and in the south of the country. This was reported by RIA Novosti, citing a source in the Syrian opposition.

    “Security lines (lines of demarcation) will be created along the entire length of the boundaries of the zones to reduce tension in order to avoid coming into direct contact with fire between the different sides of the Syrian crisis,” said a …